Friday, 30 November 2007
Sigh*** My leg muscles are stiff nw... The day after netball, which was ytd, i went swimming... MUSCLE ACHE sia...
Well, i had a weird dream ytd nite, agn...I dunno whyee bt I n Jia Qi were in sum compettition, America's Next Top Model? ( i tink i watch too much le ) The dream was fun, we had to wear chiong sums bt it was too big for me. HAHAS~ N de dream went was nice though Bt the last part we quarrelled wif one of de compettitors coz she was damn bitchy...OK...Than, i was agitated. The rest i forgot le.
Anyways, i m so darn jewalous larh, my dad got a new HP, N81. NO FAIR!!!! I wna!!! Its lyk damn kool. bt i oso got a new comp n going ta get a laptop....nt VAIO, my fav brand, bt hey i'm satisfied.
Well today was a boring day, i spend most of my time playin audi....I M SO GETTING SICK OF AUDI. I tokked on da net to lyk only 4 ppl. I was tokking to my audi frenn called Justin n thus was nt tat bored n then yong zheng, abt tuition, than sheng zhi abt sum PSLE thing, n he introduced me a game, n than marcua tang, abt nth. Than i went bck to playing audi.
Such a boring day...
'walk with me?
Thursday, 29 November 2007
LOL. BORED AGN. GOING TO sum ELECTRONIC convention nw....BUy stuff lyk...a new comp? new tv? a laptop? anyways i was looking through ppl's blog n i saw sumthing?
i got tagged by waiting a long long time ago n jus found out today nia::
According to the rules of the theme, people who are tagged must write 7 weird things about themselves and the choose 7 people to tag. Don't forget to leave a comment that says 'You are tagged' in their comments and tell them to read your blog.
1.I wan contacts
2.I like to say BASICALLY in my conversations.
3. I LOVE to cope ppl's MONEY...especially rong da's...easy victim
4.I NEED more love...WHAHAHAHAAS. m i j'k? Go find out urself.
5.I LOVE my siblings.
6.I like EMO.
7. I love sad shows tat make me cry...Over all i like crying..i makes me feel better, bt i don't cry, nt often.
N those 7 other ppl? I DUNN BOTHER. I tag everyone all da time....
'walk with me?
Wednesday, 28 November 2007
Ok...Ytd nite i did dream...IT WAS TOTALLY in tis could nvr happen in real was super complicated larh. Well, i was still studying in TKPS, n our skool was lyk the HARRY POTTER one n There was a dragon...BLAH, BLAH, BLAH. Many weird things happened bt i forgot bits of it. HAHAHAS.
I m so BORED audi to play, cnt log in...i tink too many ppl or smth, so i m taking many weird QUIZZES, YAY ME!
Free Fun Quizzes at
Fun Quiz - Which dance suits your personality?
Free Fun Quizzes at
Fun Quiz - Are you a girl next door?

More Fun Quizzes at QuizPox.com --- u cn go dis website n do da test^^
I TOOK MANY MORE....Bt too lazy to put UP. HAHAHAHAS. After tis, i go take summore...
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YAY ME!!! Ytd no DREAMS!!! YAY!!!! FINALLY!!! was more tiring than ytd....the training intensive sia...EXHAUSTED now so nt gonna write much today. We had to jump over hurdles n catch da ball at da same time n if we accidentally overturn da hurdle, we have to do ten push ups. Luckily i nvr. Tiring sia, run so much than after tat we go kallang netball court to play game n da moment 2 games end, it started to pour. Lyk rain damn heavy.
At abt 5 liddat, seow lao shi decided to bring us all bck in her car, she brought us 4 by four, how nice. Than we go bck, we asked Mr TAy to open da roon coz our stuff inside n we wnna wash up. Since i did not plan to stay for da camp, i nvr bring any towel n thus i stay at da sink there n wash my hands-arms n legs wif Jia Qi's shukubutsu body wash. HEHHES. I also used Jia Qi's SK|| (SK2) facial wash. WHOA, i nvr use SK|| B4 de....hahas. n i went to wash my hair too n used da hand dryer to dry it. hehehes. Than, we all went for dinner, Seow lao shi ordered Buffet for us, she sooo nice oso, n we no need pay de. The food was delicious too.
We went to play treasure hunt n we had to go all ard da skool to find cards. WLau, da skool in da nite damn freaky sia.....eeeeee...DA innosphere... so dark n old n creepy. N we play a mystery game, we had to put our hands in boxes n feel wad was inside n than guess....The first time was noodles( laksa type ) in water, the second was DEAD FISH in water...eeyer so smelly n gross... The third one was brocolli in water. There was a forfeit for losing da games, we took whipped cream mixed wif flour n throw at each i did nt want to be apart of tat of course...SO DIRTY...
At thte end, we had to vote for the best camper fot sec1 n sec2...the prize was......PANTIES!!! yea! PANTIES. so funny!!!!! Pearlyn n Tracy got them...
We took pics n me, blossom n renia went hm.... we didn't want to stay coz so ma fan to pack da things...hehehes. We very lazy//
Now i m sooo tired. Haf dead lerh... Sooo,
'walk with me?
Tuesday, 27 November 2007
GUess wad?? I had a dream ytd nite agn. OH YA, it was 2 separate dreams.
The first one - I was at DRAMA nite n i was standing at da back of the lecture theatre 2 watching MYSELF performing on stage. YA, i was watching myself one stage when i was supposed to be watching n nt acting. SO how cn i be at 2 places at da same time? yea, a weird dream. So i took note whyee da drama teacher asked us to put heavier make up, coz on stage, i could nt see my make up! =D LOLS. THan i dunno wad happen lerhs. Than i woke up too, it was still dark n i was drowsy, thus, i went bck to sleep.....
Than, came another DREAM. YA tis kinda sucks. DREAMING constantly at nite...
THe second one - I was at a camp at TKP wif all da P6sixes? N oni me, sherlyn, giovanni, blossom, Wai Ting n Brenda were there. Well when i came up to them everyone looked at me so i was lyk...okay.... N i found out becoz there was sum stupid rumour going around, so i asked and they refused to tell me! HMPH!! YA n then i nvr did find out wad was da rumour be coz i woke up, i had t go for NETBALL. Sad larh, i realli wanted to noe lor.... =(
Well, i woke up early in da morn, deciding if i shud go for netball n in de end, i did. We haven even train yet n it started to rain. YAY US!!!N we went to da CONCOURSE n played charades, IN CHINESE. YA, IN CHINESE! Actually, Chinese charades easier than English one>< st="on"> we got our new shoes( which caused us a lot of blisters ). Bt hey, i paid $90 for i have to get used to it lo... Our match started n i was da WD at first...than second game become GA....sad sia, i forget hw to play GA le, play too much WD n WA. hahahas. Blossom was having problems wif da GK. ITE GK da irritating sia, so clumsy summore, i oso cnt stand it lerh. WLAUUU eh is lyk so annoying, keep banging into BLOS. HAHAHAS. I WAS PISSED too. HAHAHAHAS. NO ONE spotted her FLAWS lor. SHEESH~~~
Well training ended well n i had fun?? yea... I M SO TIRED NW...eyes are closing...SNOR**SNOR**SNOR**zZz**ZzZ**. AH SORRY, i fell asleep....i'm being totally lame today.oO n DRAMATIC TOO!!! HAHAHAS ( DA DRAIN!!! DA DRAIN!!!)
WELL, i going to sleep lerhs...yea still have training tomolo agn...SIAN!!!!
NITE PPL??? <33>
Labels: tiring...
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Monday, 26 November 2007
Well, i OFFICIALLY announce tat i have disturbed sleeps. I had a super stressful dream last nite larh. First, i could nt sleep(like the last few days--no idea whyee), n to make it worse i have to dream abt smth every nite, wifout fail. I dreamt tat i was wif blossom n we taking MRT hm. So, we took to a station called SPENCER station. Then as we were abt to go to the exit, there were rows of ppl sitting along da corridoor. So tis stupid man put his leg out n dunn let us go to the exit, he wanted money. FINE! i gave him ten bucks. (i was alrdy pissed) than blossom led me out if the the station n i realise tat she was oni thinking of herself, i did nt have any bus to take hm.
I WAS TOTALLY PISSED. N i was lyk " WHAT THE HELL!!! I dunn even have any bus to take frm, here lah!" Blossom was lyk" Nvr mind, u cn take another train bck." I was lyk" WAH LAU EH! Waste my dam money larh. TOOT**TOOT** U say until lyk tat than gimme my money bck larh!!!" So, blossom realli took ten dollars out n was abt to give me my money bck.
still, i was totally pissed larh, so i walked bck to the station. Rmb the Stupid man i mentioned, he accidentally kicked me lightly in the stomach trying to stop me,(he wanted money). Than agn i was totally pissed. I was lyk "**** larh!! I alrdy gave u ten bucks larh. Stop bugging me LAH!!!!" i was alrdy shouting at the top of my voice. I screamed n screamed as loud as i could n i was crying( dunno why ). I was having a break down there n than. i was super angry, if looks could kill, the stupid man would have died than n there.
After i got over it, i went into a provision shop just infront of da stupid man. Inside, i met Geoffery, CCC n his fren Ivan. Than a man came in to tell geoffery, CCC n Ivan tat jus nw i was growing crazy. WOW! tat jus put me off. SO, i walked bck to da MRT station. Bt for sum reason, the whole MRT station was in Japanese, all da signs. N there was 3 trains. i was totally blurred. N then i saw tis gurl, she look totally weird larh so i just asked for directions. n she was lyk one train goes to Jurong, the other, to changi airport n the other to pasir ris, she totaly didnt help larh! than, i woke up. I WAS TOTALLY PISSED n tired BY THE DREAM...>>>My day started i went to cut my hair. YEA cut my hair...its shorter. n lazied around, than, i came hm. here i m!!! at HOME. wad a boring day i had...
'walk with me?
Sunday, 25 November 2007
HAHAHAS. Jus got a blog. N i didn't even make it myself. ><. my Dearest SHERLYN helped me.I m so totally NOOB at tis type of things lo.
I was totally bored to death today n thus i decided to sit in front of the comp n rot to death. Asked ppl to go online to tok. bt guess wad? they were all super busy. Wai ting went to watch enchanted n thus she PANG SEI me in the middle of our conversation while Yong Zheng was alrdy watching it. N fortunately sherlyn tokked to me. If nt i would have alrdy rotted. Now i m listening to songs bt in the mist of turning into dust becoz of the boredom. SIGH***Labels: BORED.
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