Such a boring day today man....I woke up feeling totally lethargic & super duper tired( which i still m now ). Than go skool lorh, thats all. SO BORING RIGHT? nth interesting happened today, nt much luffs. So we had the total defense thing, so we didnt have recess, we had to eat the food frm our survival kit, I'M ADDICTED TO PEANUT BUTTER, i couldnt stop eating it. =X
Lessons were boring sia, today gort so much maths hwk summore. ARGG. And i found out i'm afraid of sirens. During assembly, they play for us to listen, i hear liao very uncomfortable, feel so scared, heart beat very fast ( dunno whye, dun laugh at me horr ). N i oso found out that dreaming og ghosts is a good thing, which is good, cuz ytd i dreamt of a ghost ( scare me to death wor ).
1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer to each question.
(I skipped all chinese songs. I don't understand them. :D)
1. How am I feeling today?
Pretty Lady - Whisung ( korean, audi song )
me; tired!!!! bored.
2. Where will I get married?
Boston - Augustana
HAHAHA, i dun mind actually, boston is a nice place, so qiao that the song is called boston. HAHAS.
3. What is my best friend's theme song?
Makes me wonder - maroon5
yep, tis questions realli make me wonder, i gort like 10 best frens, plus 4 frm pri skool.
4. What was high school like?
LOL, make me sounds as if i gort no frens. R we counted as in high skool? i guess so, well, high skool is still OKAY. It cn be better.
5. What is the best thing about me?
Don't Matter - Akon
LOL, the best thing abt me doesnt matter ( everything abt my is the best u cn get =XX )
6. How is today going to be?
I'm getting over you - The Click Five
LOL, there aint anything for me to get over lorh. hahas. Today is going to be tiring.
7. What is in store for this weekend?
Big Girls dont cry - fergie
LOL. I aint a big girl, whats wrong wif crying, it makes me feel sooo much better.
8. What song describes my parents?
Ayo(technology) - 50 cent ft. justin timberlake & timberland
LOL. I dun really noe what tis means, hmm...tis song MV i like so sick....hmmm...IT DOESNT DESCRIBE MY PARENTS WOR. o.o lols.
9. How is my life going?
1973- James Blunt
HAHAS, i live in the seventies. Nice song though.
10. What song will they play at my funeral?
True to your heart - Disney
LOL, i didnt cheat anyone, whye must i be true to 'ur' heart??
11. How does the world see me?
Accidentally in love - counting crows
OMG, how cn people see me as someone hu is accidentally in love?? LOL.
12. What do my friends really think of me?
All I need is you - The CLick Five
Aww, i'm touched!!! All they need is me...awww. ( heart melts)*
13. Do people secretly lust after me?
Clumsy - fergie
How is tis linked?? N Yes/NO, laura's dog ( nt exactly people) lusts after me.
14. How can I make myself happy?
Do you know - Enrique Iglesias
LOL, i dun even noe what cn make myself happy still must ask ppl if they noe sia... sad.
15. What should I do with my life?
Jenny - Click Five
LOL. Jenny...hahas, name my future daughter that?? LOL.
16. Will I ever have children?
Unwell - Matchbox twenty
LOL. I dun feel unwell, i dun wanna feel unwell when i have children ( although i swear i'll get morning sickness when that happens )
17. What is some good advice?
Butterfly - audi song
(i've been told that if u see a butterfly, u r in love wor o.o.)
18. What do I think my current theme song is?
More Than Words - westlife
LOL. hahas. such a nice love song.
19. What does everyone else think about my current life?
I'm your angel- celine dion & rkelly
Aww, i'm ur ANGEL.
20.What type of men do you like?
Only Hope - mandy Moore
Men are my only hope? LOL.
21. Will you get married?
Thats When I lOve You - Ashlyn
COOL, i'll love him when we get married :D
22. What should I do with my love life?
Savin' me - Nickelback
LOL. Does tis mean its gonna be disaster??
23. Where will you live?
Shine - S.O.S KorVer ( korena audi song, MY FAV! )
I'll live under sun, meaning, i have a BRIGHT future ahead! =X
24. What will your dying words be?
Long Way To Go - Click Five
Awww, i'll wanna live a longer life, knowing that i still have a long way to go. =X
25. When I'm having sex, I say...
Fool again - Westlife.
ermmms.....Make me sound as if i'm cheating on 'him'
26. When I meet a guy/girl for the first time I say...
Swear It Again - westlife
Hahas, dun noe wad it means. But the song is a love song, saying how much i wont let u go, or cry..etc, swaering that those are true.hahas. I'll swear to them??
27. When my parents are angry I say...
Sarang Hae Yo,只对你说. _ JJ LIn
Saying I LOVE U, will help? hahahas. IT DOES!
hahas. this is so cute 9 though i aint using an ipod, i just used my hp n turn as shuffle ) =X. BUt the songs ARE NICE! lol.HAHAS, i'm going bck to toking on msn. BUAII. <333 xoxo
SUGAR. xoxo.
'walk with me?
So once agn, i'll take my leave. byebye.
xoxo. <33>
'walk with me?
Saturday, 16 February 2008
Heyp ppl, ytd went for lunch at settlers, had so much fun playing the games man!!! Ask Daphne, jia Qi and Blossom. But the thing is the food take damn super long to be served lah. Pek Cek. Hahas, n we had funny suggestions such as condoms(blossom write de)---->so pervert. hahahahahas.
So anyways, i was doing PW just nw, than when i search for love river, i found this poem, let me shar it wif u =XX.
Some say love, it is a river
that drowns the tender reed.
Some say love, it is a razor
that leaves your soul to bleed.
Some say love, it is a hunger,
an endless aching need.
I say love, it is a flower,
and you it's only seed.
It's the heart, afraid of breaking,
that never learns to dance.
It's the dream, afraid of waking,
that never takes a chance.
It's the one who won't be taken,
who cannot seem to give.
And the soul, afraid of dying,
that never learns to live.
When the night has been too lonely, h
and the road has been too long,
And you think that love is only
for the lucky and the strong,
Just remember in the winter
far beneath the bitter snow,
Lies a seed, that with the sun's love,
in the spring becomes a rose
Isnt it nice? I NOE! HAHAS. Anyways, i got really nth to post. I had sme pictures, take wif blos n gio de. OH YA. that day, on wed, we went to eat at teh caffee bar, then teh PANNA COTTA was just fabulous! It was so nice to eat!! YUMM!!! the meal was fantastic too! I want moe man! hu wanna treat me? LOLS.
OH WELL, u ppl go get a good nights rest, i go watch ghost whisperer later. hahas. DL one. N i officially deem my sis as a super duper lucky girl wor. byebye people. N if i'm nt wrong, its Jin Ren's b'day today, so,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JIN REN!!!!! ( =P i'm still older )
xoxo ppl. <3333.>
'walk with me?
Thursday, 14 February 2008
HAppy valentines day everyone! <333. Valentines day so fun! (nth much happened anyways)
So...i burst my balloons. =XX. So fun! Than ermm, Jessica, Blossom, Joey N ginny, came my hse watch Juno. Hahas, Quite nice.
N joey made me cry.
These r the highlights of the day. Today nth much to post... Loveya ppl, have the best Valentines day! MUACKS***
'walk with me?
Tuesday, 12 February 2008
Woah!!! I havent blogged for a long time wor, n that is probably because i was like kinda banned from the comp. Hahas. Coz i use too much le.
Well, past few days have been fun, yet tiring, N the Lit test was like...(die)...n the Physics test was like...(still okay). So anyways. U ppl wanted me to blog during that CNY period...Well, tehre wasnt anything special to blog abt lah. I just like kinda played Audi the WHOLE day. N I also played hide n seek catching wif the kids. SO FUN! I hid in the wardrobe, so hot n stuffy, but i was fun! N i got very little Ang Pao Money....SianzZz, so little wor!!! i got only like $192, hu wants to share wif me part of their money hey. So that basically it.
Today, Netball was SOOO slack for some of us ( including me ). So we play like high jump, took photos, and than long jump. SO FUN. So they captured a pic of me in the air. hahas. N i looked dumb. =X. I dun tink i'll be giving out any valentines day presents. But i'm sure u noe i love u ppl. <333>

haha. Thats me jumping! I LOOK FAT LAH. But hu cares? JUMP*

Me N Cherilyn, Exactly the same action. hahas. Cherilyn( Long jumper, Junior, Flying Dutchess, Beloved )

Hahas. There were more pics taken. But i nvr bluretooth to my phone =X. ( i look stupid anyways)

Just a rdm Picture. SO CUTE dun u tink?
So i n Cherilyn decided to draw on the sand at teh sand pit. N we wrote. Cheri (heart) eelin. Awww. hahas.
According, In order horr. Hahas. Couldnt take the whole thing, only word by word. ( stupid camera )
Soo, i gort nth to post... left the stupid thing, cuhh asked me to do =X
You have to use 3 words to answer each question.
No more, no less.
It’s harder than you think.
1. Where is your cell phone?
on hte table! :D
2. Your girlfriend/boyfriend?
I'm still waiting. =X
3. Your hair?
down n NICEE! (:
4. Where is your father?
erhh...watching tv. xD
5. Your favorite thing to do?
Laugh very loud =x
6. Your dream last night?
Nah, no dream! :D
7. Your favorite drink?
Cold Cold drinks
8. Your dream car?
Just a ferarri.
9. The room you’re in?
nt in rm =x
10. Your fears?
COCKROACHES, wad else?
11. Who did you hang out with yesterday?
My Beloveds lah.
12. What aren’t you good at?
everything i hate.
13. Muffins?
14. One of your wish list items?
15. The last thing you did?
Research. so siann... :D
16. What are you wearing?
my cute pjyamas (:
17. Your pet?
my doggie OREO! =)
18. Your computer?
it's totally WONDERFUL.
19. Your life?
could'nt be worse =x
20. Your mood?
SIAN like hell
21. Missing?
my brother lo.
22. What are you thinking about right now?
Joining sports day.
23. Your car?
No Liscence yet.
24. Your work?
sucky n boring.
25. Your summer?
26. Your relationship status?
Many Darlings now.
27. Your favorite color(s)?
BLACK, Sky Blue.
28. When is the last time you laughed? skool?
29. Last time you cried?
twO weeks ago?
30. School?
Luffing like mad!
Hahas. Tats all....LOL. Gtg. BUAII PPL, i finally updated! <33>
'walk with me?
Wednesday, 6 February 2008
Today is fine. I havent updated for a while...
Okay, yesterday was totally fun! Joey said that she nvr had so much fun in the IT room before. WHAHAHAS. So the thign is, after skool, we went to lucky to eat. So joey was toking abt one of her frens, than dunno wad her fren the best fren is flat tok tok tok hafway, she accidentally said Flat BREASTED. LOL. So i cnt stop luffing now!!! WHAHAHAHAS.
yesterday, in the morning, peanut n pepper, we like trying to tie me up, but i always manage to go through the hole. HAHAS, ( they think i'm tat fat. Pls lahhh, i m flexible =X ) So than they attempted to tie me to the door, when the teacher came. WHAHAHAS, then they start to get anxious n untie me frem teh door. LOL. So wad they did was... They tie ermmz...rite below...ermmz...( censored ) Peanut was like ' tie tight tight ' So then it looked super DUPER WRONG!!! okay, so i tink yang jun n geoffery saw... so ya...
So after skool, there was suppose to be netball, but dunno hu say if we wanna go then we go, if nt no need go lo, so i obviously decided not to go, so Peanut, butter and bean ask me accompany them to the IT room for their cca, since there was internet connection, i decided to go. The first thing i did was went online, so then thye used my acc to SPAM!!! Okay, so they did sum DESPICABLE stuff... N even took a photo for evidence..they really qian bian lah...3 against one lorh, BULLIE WORR!!! Joey hold me, Jessica n Ginny type. MEANIES!!!
So then, after tat, ermms ( NC16 stuff happened )...N i sucessfully unbuttoned Peppers shirt!! LOL. OH YA, before that, i BIT her.. =XX. But isnt tat was wolves do? HAHAS, she deserved it. I always bit when attcked. Esp blossom. HAHAS. =X N i stepped on Pepper's feet, whaha, n it was already hurt. is she qian da de lorh. So she felt mentally, emotionally n physically scarred. LOL. =X
Too bad for her lahh. OH WELL, it was super fun, couldnt stop luffing. I was a victim too!!!
Hahas, nth to say lah, reunion dinner, tv, had fun, wad else. anyways,
HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR!!! xoxo ( i'm addicted to xoxo, gosh ) HAve Fun. LOADS OF LOVES <333>
'walk with me?
Geez, its chinese new year n i'm suppose to be like excited lah...which i'm not really...EVERYONe is like super emo today lah, E.G. Joey, Yong Zheng..etc...all come to me summore. LOLS. saddist. HEY PPL, CHEER UP KAYY!
N people, remeber, n PLEASE remember to SHARE haf of the cash u gort today wif me!!!! Must share!!!!!!! I want at least a hundred bucks okay. US. hahas. OH WELL, just sayin' Have a great CNY. XOXO. N stay pretty, stay handsome. <333
'walk with me?
Tuesday, 5 February 2008
I changed my number people.
Its 98803554 now... PLs take note. :D
thanks. <333
'walk with me?
Monday, 4 February 2008
skool was totally boring today, except for like in the morn, n Jia qi tot of smth sick man, totally sick, then we couldnt stop luffing...Than during Interaction period, me n blossom had a totally weird conversation...Girls tok, boys should nt noe...HAHAS.
Thats basically it lah.. Assembly was stupidly boring cn...BORING~ yawns*
I want my new fone!!! Hmph, i haven go yet....YUCKS, I WANT IT NOW! NO FAIR!!! HMPH! HMPH! HMPH! ( tantrums ) lol.
Thats all i have to say man...dere aint anything interesting today... SIANS, so like ya, i'm going off. BYEBYE. x33333333. xoxo.
You Are Sunrise |
 You enjoy living a slow, fulfilling life. You enjoy living every moment, no matter how ordinary. You are a person of reflection and meditation. You start and end every day by looking inward. Caring and giving, you enjoy making people happy. You're often cooking for friends or buying them gifts. All in all, you know how to love life for what it is - not for how it should be. |
You Are a Green Crayon |
 Your world is colored in harmonious, peaceful, natural colors. While some may associate green with money, you are one of the least materialistic people around. Comfort is important to you. You like to feel as relaxed as possible - and you try to make others feel at ease. You're very happy with who you are, and it certainly shows!
Your color wheel opposite is red. Every time you feel grounded, a red person does their best to shake you. |
'walk with me?
Sunday, 3 February 2008
Hahas. I had so much fun ytd man!!!! I'm officially in love iwf ice skating. It was totally fun!
Me n Joey super HIONG man, we keep going damn fast n doing sharp turns, n at the same time do cpl skating, hahas, after every sharp turn joey keep wanting to fall, so i just let her go =X. Than while skating, me n joey, go around scaring the others. =X. whahahahas. Cnt stop luffing.
At first, we went all teh way to jurong east, then realise gort competition, hehe. So we take Mrt all the way bck to kallang, than we didnt noe how to go to kallang leisure park, so we just take taxi. lol. so waste money lo...HAHAS, i paid for haf of it. N qiann n celest owes me $6. =X.
I wanna go ice skating agn!!! It is so darn fun man!!!! ARG. Lets plan n go soe otehr time, must bring qiggie along man, more fun. HAHAS. I'm sure JOEY had super duper loads of fun too. I tink we really damn hiong lah. Once while we were couple skating, then we did a sharp turn, then joey going to fall agn, than i let go of her as usual, but she didnt let go of me...So i spun around like 2 to 3 times before i came to a halt lo, hahas. SUPER FUN, but dangerous to do tat. All joey's fault. LOL. JUST LOvE IT, i wont regret going. Huw ants to go agn? We plan properly :D
So when i came bck, i went to check out my comp...wahh so many ppl online toked ot me, but most of them offline lerhs. hahas.
while i was online, i saw smth. I saw Chilli Crab's PM. HAHAHAHA. I tink he took one of the tests on my blog, He is like 60% female n 40% male. Okay, i cnt stop luffing now, gimme a min to laugh my guts out...Wait arh...
Okay, finally bck. wahh, still cnt stop luffing!!!! WAHAHAHA ( imagine me luffing n kneeling on the floor like i did in skool ) so funnie...My stomach ache...i'm tearing le.WHAHAHAs...Okay, i'm so mean...I souldnt be luffing now...Shush~ NO laughing anymore...tats just plain mean. ( small laughs* )
Oh well, today, i went like for almost the whole day lah, we went to vivo, n i bought a new skool burned a hole in my dads pocket man...I need to take good care of it...Than i bought a pair of jeans too...Tats basically it, we went there for lunch n had JAP, wahhh, so nice...We had soft shell crab, sushi, beef...etc. Then we went for a long walk, then we went to eat haagen das...SHIOK, cookies n cream ice cream...nice. It was called cookie crunch, is in those long cups, wif first layer at teh botton all small pieces of cookies, then whipped cream, then a layer of chocolate syrup, then cookies n cream ice cream, tehn chocolate agn, wif some cookies n ice cream agn...wahh, damn nice...My dad had the mango sobert, my bro n sis-in-law, the fruity smth...My mum n grandma the banana split...wahh, shiok. I want summore man...but so fattening. =X
Oh ya, good news, Blossom is getting the song W580i..n guess wad? Me too!!!!! She getting teh pink one ( i obviously hate pink ), N i'm getting the grey n blus one :D...I tink...I may be chaging my n.o...coz my dad doesnt like it..I TINK ITS NICE!!! Hu tinks its nt nice? tell me!!! But oh well, see how...maybe i'm getting it tomolo? Actually wanted to get it today, but starhub gort a lot of ppl, my dad nt willing to wait...
Sian...tomolo gort tuition man..stil gort math test...Btw, math test is wad topic?? I haven study yet... OH YA, Sudarno like jessica wor o.o he is getting smth for her on valentines day. kekekex. BUt he got sum girl he likes frm dunman, so oh well, jessica dun need to scared. =X. Whahahaah.
Okay, i'm going to do...ermm...i dunno wad i'm going to do, but i'm going off, got nth to write abt les...HAHAS. BYEBYE. XOXO. x333333
'walk with me?
Friday, 1 February 2008
I so cnt wait for tomolo cn...Sighs* later tonight cnt sleep wor, than how? HAHAS. I was playing audi, gort one guy i play wif called OREO, then after he left another guy came in, whose name was EEYORE. ahhas. oreo= My dog EEYORE= My b'day present. hahas. so coincidental.
Your PMS Disaster Level: Low |
 You have a little PMS every now and then, but it's not bad at all. No one probably notices except you. |
Your Eyes Should Be Green |
 Your eyes reflect: Striking attractiveness and danger
What's hidden behind your eyes: A vivid inner world |
Your Inner Color is Yellow |
 Your Personality: Life's too short not to have fun. Your bright energy brings joy and laughter to those around you.
You in Love: A total flirt, you need a lot of freedom to play. But you'll be loyal to that one person who makes you feel safe.
Your Career: You love variety in a job, and you probably won't stick with one career. You would make a great professor, writer, or actor. |
HAHAS, i'll be loyal. =X
You Are Summer! |
 Outgoing Friendly Flirty Cute Fun |
The Keys to Your Heart |
 You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free.
In love, you feel the most alive when things are straight-forward, and you're told that you're loved.
You'd like to your lover to think you are loyal and faithful... that you'll never change.
You would be forced to break up with someone who was ruthless, cold-blooded, and sarcastic.
Your ideal relationship is comforting. You crave a relationship where you always feel warmth and love.
Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.
You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred.
In this moment, you think of love as something you thirst for. You'll do anything for love, but you won't fall for it easily. |
Your Love Number is 1 |
 You tend to be a stubborn lover, holding your ground in every argument You take your time falling in love. You aren't the type to lose perspective. You are loyal (to a fault), and you require the same loyalty in your sweetheart. At your best, you are a wise and inspiring partner - who sticks around. |
Here it says i'm loyal agn, HAHAS, its proof to joey.
You Are a Light Pink Rose |
 You represent sweetness and grace.
Your vibe: Kind and gentle
Falling in love with you: is like falling in love with a best friend |
What Ee Lin Means |
 You are friendly, charming, and warm. You get along with almost everyone. You work hard not to rock the boat. Your easy going attitude brings people together. At times, you can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things, you pull it together.
You are relaxed, chill, and very likely to go with the flow. You are light hearted and accepting. You don't get worked up easily. Well adjusted and incredibly happy, many people wonder what your secret to life is.
You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing. You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long. You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start.
You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people. You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts. You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals. |
You Are A Blue Girl |
 Relationships and feelings are the most important things to you. You are empathetic and accepting - and good at avoiding conflict. If someone close to you is in pain, it makes you hurt as well. You try to heal the ones you love with your kind and open heart. |
I tink i'm going lerhs lah, need to do my work sia...BYEBYE. LOVEES cnt wait for tomolo. Lots Of Love <3333>
'walk with me?