Sunday, 30 November 2008
If you read this, I don't knw how to console you, but just think through it kay. We all have problems, you gotta take it easy. Make it work, make it work for YOU. You gotta make her happy, but if along the way, it doesnt work out for you, if it makes you unhappy, you gotta make it work.
If may be hard, it may sound harsh, but you gotta let go kayy. Dont be too sad kayy. Joey and I will always be there for you, if you need anyone to talk to, we're just a message away.
Stay strong okay. Promise us, you'll stay strong. Dont put urself on an emotional roller coaster ride, take it easy, dont wear urself out in the process. Stay strong, be the person everyone knows you as, let it out if u feel, dont hold it back. We'll be there for you <3
{P.S Ice cream Helps}
'walk with me?
Thursday, 27 November 2008
Hello fellow earthlings, i am here because, i just felt like blogging. HAHA, yes, i actually felt like blogging. Eelin is going to turn over a new leaf, and have some major transformations. I'm on a full diet, i'm going vegetarian. Yes, vegetarian. VEGETARIAN. (: i dont know wht came over me la, but after i looked at the mirror, i was overwhelmed by myself. HAHAHA, yes overwhelmed. So, i'm going to like stop eating ice cream, chips(although i dont really eat chips), no rice of dinner, no overeating, no desserts, no snacks in between lunch. LOADS AND LOADS OF EXERCISE. (: Exercise until i drop dead (: drop dead gorgeous is wht i wanna be. Oh well, i'm off to start on my exercise alrdy, some yoga first, dance ltr. (: byebye.
HAHAHAHA, i was just bullshit-ting laaa. As if i would give up ICE CREAM to become drop dead gorgeous, AND not over my dead will i become vegetarian :D HAHA. Yala, i was like majorly crapping.
Well, lets start off with training, which started out quite okay AT FIRST, and turned out to be a disaster.
We started off with our 2.4km run, came back and did our stretching, and was doing our suicides(side step, lunches, butt-kick...etc) which wasnt really very tiring, so, it was still okayy laa. THN, coach asked us to stand in a row and put out our hands horizontally. He was looking out for long fingernails, earrings, necklaces, whatever inappropriate during a match or a training. Yes, and he ound like 10 mistakes, meaning, 10 suicides, but we were all like " HUH! WHAT! " And he was like "11 suicides! Complain summore!" WTH, 11 suicides, he was gng crazy. Nvm, summore, we had to run AS A TEAM, in a STRAIGHT line. -.- STRAIGHT line. But lucky for us, we only ran like 9 suicides because he said if we ran faster for the last time rd, he'll let us off (:
After suicides, we did our ball works, okay, it sounds wrong when i type it here, but yes, we call it BALL WORKS. HAHAHA. And twenty push ups, twenty sit ups, and 20 superman. LOL. We just all it superman. U cn go try, its quite tough. U like flat on the floor, butt facing the sky/ceiling, raise ur right hand and left leg, thn do it alternately raising ur left hand and right leg.
Thn we played matches, where i had to play GoalAttack. Like D:, for once i wanted to play WingD laa. Grrrrr, but not enough shooter. And today, i just found out tht WD is considered mid-fielder. Hahaha, oh well, GA is a fun position to play, except the fact tht i nvr actually train my shooting, and i'm SHORT. That was the reason why i didnt get the position in the first place, and now, i have to play it. Grrrr.
Well, played many many quarters, and i was like super tired alrdy, and didnt want to move, and when coach said go to the staircase, all of us thought we were gng to be allowed to go alrdy, which was rejoice for all of us. BUT NO, we were required to hop one legged up the stairs, right leg five sets, left leg five sets. And it was the middle staircase of our old block, the super high step one was like O.O ok, and thn, we all wanted to go already, but NO, we had to do step ups on the opposite staircase, the one infront of the piano. 2 steps up, one step down. So, right left, right left, (one step down) right left, thn repeat. thsi was so bad la, quite fun ya knw xD
And thn, we had to lie on the floor and butt facing ceiling. We were required to use only our lower arm and toes to support us, and body off the ground. One min. WTH, i was screaming, my whole body was just unstable and shaking, after one min, we rest, and we did 3 mins of it. Thn we had to train right and left hand, use your lower arm and feet to support you, but only your right hand, body off the ground, one min, and left hand oso. AND FINALLY, training ended, we were gng to do our warm down, WHEN, jolin mentioned tht we didnt do the wall sit. AND WE HAD TO GO DO IT. BAHHHHH. AND THN, training was over.
Wth, i was totally wiped out after tht, four hours of cold hard training leh, and this is like only the second time in four months tht i trained, and the last time i trained was like 1 month ago. And he didnt even try to make it easy for us.
Well, went to parkway parade to eat with blos, renia, jia qi and felicia, ate at mos burger and were laughing our heads off and god knows wht, haha, coz we were talking about stuff. HAHA, And after felicia left, we walked around parkway window shopping, and thn jia qi left. Blos, renia and I went to isetan to fool around, and we were FOOLING around, haha, we were I was fooling around, trying all the hats i could find and looking dumb. HAHA, and we were searching for our future prom dresses, and the dresses there are like -.-||| the nect time round i shop for my prom dress, i'm gng to go to River Island or Zara. Vivo!~ Hahaha. And when renia and i was going to try on dresses, my dad called and i had to leave D:
Went home, Went to bathe laid on the sofa and fell asleep until 22:12 HAHA, yes, tht was the time i saw when i last opened my eyes, and here i am blogging about my oh-so-fun-and-exciting-day. HAHA. (: Oh well, off i am, i cnt wait for the sleepover at my house!~ Wooz!~
xoxo.SUGARLabels: HAH;
'walk with me?
Wednesday, 26 November 2008
I'm so bored tht i'm gng to post agn for today. Which sucks, coz everyone has plans all the time, except me. Brrr.
Okay, lemme start, DANIEL FOO's English Standard is like WOW. Like Goodness me, Its like super good can, its so chim. And yes, i say it agn, we should all learn frm him.
It all started like this, he asked if i could help him with the 9th english journal. OH, did i mention tht he has alrdy done the rest? Oh yea, like good english standards and hardworking too. like WOW. look at this "It is not a disciplinary institution that focuses mainly on monolithic authority; and is far supposed to be a place that acts upon arbitrary." I was stunned. Like when i saw it, i was literally speechless. Goodness me. I rest my case, His english rocks!~ Although we belong to the same Chinese category. HAHA.
Did i mention his English is like. WOW. HAHAHA.
HAhahas, well,now, i'm so bored, and i refuse to start on my honework! Oh wait, i've got books to read!!!!!~ YAY. YAY.( i nw very high )
xoxo.SUGARLabels: wow;
'walk with me?
Ya knw wht, I DIDNT get into Modesty. Which totally sucks, coz tht just mean, i'm stuck in Loyalty. BAKA~ Well, grats to puay ru and blossom for getting the appeal. (:
I had a horrible horrible dream ytd night.
I was like Kidnapped and put into this rm, tht looks like a lil' girl's rm, fill with dollies and everything. And there was insects involved. So anyways, this guy, HU LOOKS LIKE ORLANDO BLOOM in pirates of the Caribbean tried to save me, but he couldn't open the window because there was some mechanism, which would electrocute him, which i wouldnt want tht to happen, so i told him to back off.
Oh wait, thn i opened the rm door and i saw Yang Jun, and i tot i was gng to be rescued(tears of joy ya knw) and he turns out to be some insect man. Grrr, YangJun betray me. And the best part was, i knew it was a dream, but i couldnt waake up. LIKE WTH, so i closed my eyes and took deep breaths, but i couldnt wake up. Okay, i dont even rmb how i woke up.
Well, i'm glad thts over. OH, did i mention the part where YANG JUN, totally betrayed me, and didnt save me? yea, point should be noted. HAHAHA.
Well, thts about it. Coz, life sucks when you dont get wht you want. It realy really does.
Labels: suicide;
'walk with me?
Friday, 21 November 2008
Got tagged by my darling to do this. (: yes, i lve my darling :DD hahaha.
1. What do they call you in class?
- EeLin! I know its a pretty name! So dont wear it out :D
2. Who is the most quiet in class?
- hmm, WHO ELSE, i'm like as quiet as a mouse. (: The teachers LOVE me. xD
3. Which teacher always gets angry with you all ?
- Ah Loh, hu else. hahaha, maybe mrs yap?
4. Who is always the earliest to reach school?
- heh, used to be me and blos, until i didnt want to wake up early xD So should be blos, jessica and geoff (:
5. Who is always late enter class ?
- My Mei, Nicholas. xD. always always always LATE.
6. Who is the smartest?
- ME!~ yes, of course me! I'm a pure GENIUS. HAHAHAHA.
7. Who always sleep in class?
- Jessica/Rong Da , Definitely them. Hahaha, i always get yang jun to sabo rongda. HAHAHAHA. " Rong Da, Dont sleep in class! " Laughs* ( i'm missing the good times )
8. Who is the leader of the class?
- Brenda. (Chairman / Cehmeh HAHAHA.) Techinically, me! LOL, hu doesnt listen to me? HAHAHAHAHA. =x
9. Which subject do you hate most?
- CHINESE, CHINESE, CHINESE. Everyone hu knows me knows i absolutely HATE chinese!~
10. What was the worst punishment in class?
- I dont get punished (:
11. What do you bring to class?
- Everything but my moma and papa.
12. What is the best subject?
13. What do you always do in class?
- Hmm. Pay attention and make sure i complete my homework in time xD
14. Have you ever get scoldings from yr teacher ?
- What do you think? Of course not laa, i'm like SuperDuperGuai.
15. Whats your position in class for MYE ?
- Errr...12th... heh heh.
16. Have you ever had become first in class?
- OF COURSE, i'm a genius remember? Hahaha. It was a Very big class of 1 student (:
17. Who do you sit with ?
- Angel and Yu Hui. haha. They're scary and funny!~
18. People around you ?
- The ones i love. (:
List 15 people in your mind now: (And you all have to do the
quiz too mwaha.)
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D
5) E
6) F
7) G
8) H
9) I
10) J
10 random things tht ust popped into my mind.
1.I hate to eat Curry.
2.I'm addicted to reading.
3.Audi sucks. It lags like hell.
4.I dream of guys i nvr met in my life.
5.I'll make a very bad nun.
6.I'm GAY cuz i go for guys.
7.I'm in love.
8.I love to eat popiah skin.
9.Computers rock!
10.I very HUA XIN.
HAHAHA. lets talk about a few of my dreams lately.
First, i dream of a guy hu smsed me and apologised for god
knows wht reason. And the exact thing he smsed was " I'm sorry, can we start over again?" The guys name was Shin Ying. Who the hell is he o.o
Second, i dreamt about a guy from my story book, yea, he was
hott, we were going to share a banana split until i woke up D: oh, did i mention he was hot? ya, hot i tell you. HAHHA. (p.s his name was michael)
Thirdly, i dreamt of Qian Hui, the was explaining how she
doesnt speak singlish literally. =.= But she uses words like "like,but, but ya, ya " -.-, and she said she didnt speak singlish.
Fourth-ly, i dreamt tht qiggie tht was saying tht both me and
her speak chinese weirdly.
HAHAHAHA, my dreams are like so, HAHAHA.
So many hot guys out dere, not one of them is chinese. Geez.
Labels: Dreams;
'walk with me?
Thursday, 20 November 2008
Hellos peepos. Since my bestest best fren asked me to update, i shall : D But, seriously i've got nothing to update!
Hmmh, havent been up to anything recently. Been just reading books these past few days, books books books.(this just reminded me of smth. "Books ***** books ***** okay, there's a difference in pronounciation ) If you remember the joke :D
Went to school ytd to buy my books and then went to PP to shop :D though i didnt really buy anthing but a jacket :D cargo jacket, got teh green one (: $89 O: but yea, i liked it, so heck xD Oh, qianny, did i mention its a hoodie? I'm gonna add it to my collection. xD Hahahahaha. YES, i've got this thing for hoodies, god knows why.
What This Outfit Says About You |
You are flirtatious, attractive, and even sexy. You are vivacious and lively. People feel happier being around you.
You have a deep inner beauty, and it just makes you even more beautiful on the outside. It's like you wrote the book on how to be charming.
Your high end fashion designer match: BCBG Max Azria
Your must have accessory: A beaded necklace |
ROFLMAO. I wouldnt mind a beady necklace. xD
You Are a Candy Heart |
You're definitely a pro when it comes to romance - and you have great dating etiquette. Plus you probably smell and taste pretty darn good. |
YA RIGHTTTT. Like ?!?!
Your Weight is Ideal |
Your BMI is 18.7 - a healthy BMI falls between 18.5 and 25
Congratulations, you are the perfect weight for your height. Even though you may not be entirely happy with your weight, you are healthy. So gain or lose a few pounds if you want, but don't go too crazy!
Don't agree? Blame the government standards we based this test on! |
Qianny, I TOLD YOU THT I WAS FAT. F.A.T. FATTTT!!!!! ;_; fat fat fat. HAHAHAHAHAHA
You are a Rocker Girl! |
If you don't have musical talent, you've got a talent for picking out great CD's. Music rules your life - and you've got the best MP3 collection of anyone you know. Many guys find you intimidating, but a select few think you're the catch of a lifetime. Start hanging out in more used record stores, and you'll find love with a fellow rocker! |
Ehem... Ermm.. Ya.
You Are a Werewolf |
You are moody and easily provoked. You are highly loyal and protective of those you love.
While you can be intense at times, you are generally a laid back person. But if a fight comes your way, you will fight 'til the death if necessary.
You seem normal to most people. No one understands how different you can be. It's like a switch flips for you sometimes - and then you're a completely different creature. |
Maybe, Maybe, Did i mention i love wolves? :D
Your Personality Is |
Guardian (SJ)
You are sensible, down to earth, and goal oriented. Bottom line, you are good at playing by the rules.
You tend to be dominant - and you are a natural leader. You are interested in rules and order. Morals are important to you.
A hard worker, you give your all at whatever you do. You're very serious, and people often tell you to lighten up.
In love, you tend to take things carefully and slowly.
At work, you are suited to almost any career - but you excel in leadership positions.
With others, you tend to be polite and formal.
As far as looks go, you are traditionally attractive. You take good care of yourself.
On weekends, you tend to like to do organized activities. In fact, you often organize them! |
LOL. "A hard worker, you give your all at whatever you do." maybe, when the exams' the next day. =x
"As far as looks go, you are traditionally attractive. You take good care of yourself." ?! I so do not take care of myself!
"On weekends, you tend to like to do organized activities. In fact, you often organize them!" The only thing i have planned out is tuition and a facial! where got organised????? O.O
Your EQ is 0 |
Thanks for answering honestly. Now get yourself a shrink, quick!
Your emotions definitely are giving you a hard time, and you need to talk with someone. You're often worried, apathetic, bored, or upset. You don't experience a lot of positive emotions.
You may be at risk for depression, anxiety, or other psychological problems. Things can get better for you. But you have to take the first step. |
HAHAHAHA. ROFLMAO. HAHAHAHAHA. OMG, this is damn funny."You may be at risk for depression, anxiety, or other psychological problems." i'm an emotional person, but not tht bad okayy. HAHAHAHAHA
You Are 64% Intuitive |
You are a very intuitive person. And luckily, your intuition is normally right. You're wise enough to know that relying on intuition alone can be dangerous. When your intuition seems really off, you tend to ignore it - and look at the facts instead. |
intuition's nice.
Your Makeup Look Is |
Dramatic Eyes with Naked Lips You rock an edgy, modern look with feminine grace |
Can anyone imagine me in tht?! O.O
Anyways, well, there's my update. :D
Labels: ya right;
'walk with me?
Monday, 17 November 2008
1. Do you have secrets?
You think? Of course laa! OKay, maybe not. But whtever.
2. Would you fall in love with a gay?
Hmm, Definitely. Of course, thts when i dont know he's gay.
3. Do you enjoy going to school?
Heck yea. I love those around me, thoose crazy balistic people :D
4. What would you do with a billion dollars?
Spend it on impulse xD Of couse donate 10k to charity :D
5. What is your view towards love?
hmm, wait till i experience it, i'll let you know :D
6. Which is more blessed , loving someone or being loved by someone?
Being loved. DUHH. Whats the point of loving someone if tht person doesnt love you? Being loved is so much better. (:
7. How long would you be willing to wait for a person whom you love?
Depending on how much i love him. Why give up an entire forest for one flower?
8. If the person whom you loved once or now is attached , what will you do ?
Live with it. I was probably the one hu dumpped him anyway xD
9. Is there anything that has make you extremely happpy ?
Yea, ( no, i'm not telling wht/who/him/her/them )
10. What makes you angry?
11. How would you see yourself in 10 years time?
Beautiful and rich. HAHAHAHHA. =x
12. Who is currently important to you?
Everything and everyone.
13. What is the most important thing in life?
Love. Haha. yes, love, cuz even if u had health and no love, its pointless.
14. If two of your best friends dropped into the sea and they don't know how to swim, who would you save?
As if i cn swim? Plus, i'd be the one screaming.
15. Favourite colour?
16. Would you give it all in a relationship?
I guess?
17. If your ex who once hurt you deeply wants you back, what will you do?
Hmmm, i'd probably not be hard-hearted enough to reject, but thn agn, i'm a emotional person. yes, anyone hu knows me should know i'm emotional :D So, i'll let my frens decide for me :D
18. How are you feeling right now?
19. Love or like?
20. 8 people i have tagged.
Labels: Ripped
'walk with me?
Thursday, 13 November 2008
We're back from the chalet! Wooz, I LOVE TOOGRACE! TOOGRACE FTW. hahahaahahahahaha.But, but, but, i didnt stay over DD: Yes i stayed till 12++, but hahahahaaa.
Well, hmm, Oh ya, we met at Pasir Ris Mrt Station and our dear QIANHUI was LATE. hahahaha. Yes, as USUAL, she was late (: so, credits to her. xD. Okay anyways, we proceeded to the chalet( bungalow). we took 403 and when they said it was 2 bus stops away frm white sands, they were WRONG, like so so so wrong! It was like 7 stops? Hahahaha. Anyways, after reaching everyone was like cehcking out teh super big bungalow, omg laaaa, everyone was so excited about the house, running up and down and whats nots. haha. But it was cool, the rooms are bigger thn my hse, UNFAIR. Hahaha, got KTV lounge summore. BAHHHH.
Well, watched 1 litre of tears with qianhui while the rest were playing mahjong. 1 litre of tears is so boring...i didnt even cry o.o Then the other girls cam running in saying they want a karaoke session. Hahaha, and god knows wht we were talking about, we were laughing hysterically and the ironic and sadistic part of it was tht whole we were laughing, the girl in the movie was dying, yep, she was dying and we were laughing like siao. So bad right? xD
We had our karaoke session and just sang rubbish, and i was just screaming into the microphone. HAHAHAHA.
Anyway, after checking out the house, i think some of them went to play Bball, and god knows wht i was doing laa. And i decided to go join them but jessica and laura had alrdy proceeded back to the hse, so i went in search for Qianhui and Celestine, they were playing on the swings. That was predictable. Hahaha, who doesnt love swings?(if you dont,then you're just plain nuts) Well joined them but there were only 2 swings D: then agn there were 4 very huge swings, the very longs ones, and so qianhui and celestine went to playing with those swings with me. Hahaha, Celestine and Qianhui cnt swing on the long swings. HAHAHAHAHAHA.
And then laura joined us :D And we played and played and played at the playground :DD And of course photos. :D
Well, we went ot the beach and took photos and playing the the water. Which i found out carries a huge amount of faeces. YUCK!~ omgomgomg. But ya, we alrdy went in, so bo bian. I love the beach!
Yes, my favourite photo :D
The pictures arent in order laa.
Than after tht, we went for dinner at whitesands and back for god knows wht. I cnt rmb very details laa. xD.We took unsucessful photos at the bus top though xD
I went to play at the playground with joey, shes got a deprived childhood man, a really deprived one. she nvr sat on a swing until she was like 10. O.O like omg, wht type of childhood did she have man.
We joined the others for Bball after tht and had our not-so amazing race. which was bloody tiring, not to mention it was raining, i had to run up a hill just to get to anglican just to take a stupid picture of some stupid banner. And then we had to search for a game and it took us hours, and guess wad? joey had given us the wrong info, she said tht it was a PC game, but actually, it was a Wii game. ARG. We'll tht was super tiring.
Our final destination was eHub. And we met joey and jiaqi there, bought some yogurt and went back. Hahaha, had a shower and then i had to go. D: i had dance DD: so i didnt stay for the bbq. ;_;
Went there and everyone was at the KTV lounge talking. Hahaha. Then we went to eHub to bowl, of which now, i am feeling the after effect, because my arms are aching like hell. After bowling , well, of course the arcade laa. Hahaa, spent a huge amout on the arcade lately.
Went back and played mahjong, hahaha I just learnt it on wednesday :DD see i'm a fast learner :D After playing hafway, we cleaned up the bbq area. I DIDNT EVEN GO FOR THE BBQ, see i so nice, help clean up summore xD Then we went to play Bball, it was fun funfun. hahaha. And played mahjong for the rest of the day, except when i went to watch mean girls at the KTV lounge.
Had fried rice for dinner! and more mahjong. Then we played 2 rounds of murderer and then pomm pa aiyo. hahahaha, wen cong had to kiss kenneth for a forfeit. HAHAHA, to think we actually agreed to do it, wht a good sport! He forced kenneth and they were struggling to the ground, imagine how wrong tht lookied. I was laughing hysterically man. Like a crazy woman. xD Well, then kian hua just forced kenneths hand to wen cong's mouth, hahaha, it was more like biting kenneths hand then kissing it. LOVE BITE. hahahahaaha. Then we continued playing and kenneth had to so a forfeit, to kiss wen cong. hahahaha, and they were struggling agn. And kenneth said:"I dont care, i'm gonna make sure i kiss your lips!" HAHAHAHAHA, tht was super amusing. And while they were struggling, my dad came. DD: but ti was super funny and fun!!
Labels: i really love you;
'walk with me?
Monday, 10 November 2008
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDDY!~ Yes, i love you :DD Hahaha.
Celebrated Daddy's birthday ytd at The Fullerton Hotel. Maahahaha. Buffet!~ Omg, my niece is so cute!!~ Thats besides the point. But i prefer the food at The Mandrin Oriental. Hahaha, yes, i've tried many many buffets are many many hotels. Haha, my family's a food fanatic. Have u seen the way i eat deserts? xD Its as much as my main course. I LOVED THE CREME BRULE. hahaha. But There was more variety at the mandrin oriental, i've gt pictures of the foos at both hotels, u cn compare xD
Hahaha, ok, nvm, i didnt really take much pictures of the food at the Mandrin oriental, but the next time round i go, I'll definitely take more pictures :DD

I asked her not to smile. Hahaha, so cute!~


Some Display at the desert table, made of chocolate.

Yep, the same one.

A Table full of bread.

DESERT! omgomgomg, i love desert!

I didnt completely take everything, but ya, u can go there and exprience it yourself. My niece is soooocute.
cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute
cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute
cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute
Hahaha. Oh well, thats it for ytd, yoodles. CHALET LATER!~ I cnt wait!!!! This is so exciting!~
Labels: the fullerton hotel;
'walk with me?
Friday, 7 November 2008
Ah well, I'm back here agn, to blabber and blabber away. There's nothin' much to update. D: i've not been doing anything interesting these days, besides audi. Hahaha.
Joey says jesse mccartney and zac efron look the same. Ppl, pls tell her, they DO NOT look alike. They dont. N how, we're arguing about them looking/not looking alike. THEY SO DO NOT LOOK ALIKE.
Okay, thats besides the point. I havent started on holiday hwk, and i dont want to. HOMEWORK is such a wet blanket.
Ah well, i'm gonna stop here cuz i've got nth else to update. :D but...... cn anyone spare me acash? xD
'walk with me?