Wednesday, 31 December 2008
I'm sorry about all things I said to you, and I know I can't take it back
HELLO People! Life's been great until i found out we're gonna start school on friday! All the sleeping at 3 am and waking up at 12pm is going to be overrrrr. OH, i havent do maths yet. HAHA, dont plan to do =x Its not compulsory isit? HAHA. whtever.
Ah well, went to Parkway for my doctor's appointment, thn i bought a pair of shorts and 2 tubes frm giodano and went for breakfast at Coffee Bean. HEHE. Than, wanted to got to Vivo, but it was superrr crowded, so we ended up at Paragon, where all of us( me and my parents) went crazy, crazy shopping tht is. Spent $1596.12 shopping today. I bought new shoes :D and a *cough* few *cough* other clothes. HAHA.
Cnt wait for the new year, my dance teacher and the other instructors frm the dance studio i learn at is gonna be the performing act on channel 8. :D i wonder wht they're gonna do. :DD
Just a Random Picture frm my daddie's car :D
Gng off alrdy! see you ppl! toodles~
Labels: another year ahead;
'walk with me?
Sunday, 28 December 2008
Hello people. I'm so bored, i decided to write reasons i'll miss you ppl!
# I'll miss Blossom because she like my bestest friend ever! Known her since like hmm....P3? And she's been there for me ever since, and i still cnt believe we gt into teh same class in cchms. See, we got so much Yuan Fen. ( cnt compare to celestine though =x )
# I'll miss Celestine because shes so lag and funny! And i rmb tht i first knew her because we did history project tgt and were having loads of fun at qian hui's hse! :DD
# I'll miss Eelin because she's the best friend ever, even better thn blossom. Shes so kind and nice and lovable! I cnt stand it, i just wanna hug her everytime i see her! (BHB. HAHAH)
# I'll miss Cheryl coz she's blossom's pig. HAhA, and shes sooo lame. HU came up with " am chio will get breast cancer?" hahahah. And shes the only one darker thn me :D HAHA. I dont get ppl darker thn me nowadays.
# I'll miss Qian Hui because. OMG, i dont knw where to get started! Shes my darling, shes so funny, nice and really good to get along with. Did i mention shes was nice? oh ya, shes really pretty too! And there are many many more things tht i'll miss abt her, coz we'd be gossiping and everything. Dont worry, she doesnt tell me EVERYTHING. but one day, i hope tht she would(:
# I'll miss Brenda because, well, we were once very close :D And we laugh, joke, get serious and oogle at boys. TEEHEE. And she would tell me abt the hot ang mo guys she meets on busses. HAHA. shhhh, our secret! LOL.
# I'll miss Wai ting because i love her name. waiting waiting waiting. HAhA. And her laughter and the sleepovers and the clothes and the oogling at hott guys. ( at least she knws how to xin shang ang mos :D ) I love her fashion sense cn! IDC. she'll be my personal shopper next time. She promised, and we'd fly to LA walk down the red carpet and shop shop SHOP!
# I'll DEFINITELY miss Joey Ong, coz well, if anybody didnt realise, i'm wherever she is. HAHA, she makes me laugh and cry :D and shes ALWAYS the one i cry on, i think i soaked a lot of her uniforms alrdy. HEHE. I love her so much!( confessions of a shoppaholic/teenage drama queen )
# I'll REALLY miss Jia Qi. Shes so froggie! and hyper and forever optimistic and really fun to play with, esp all her unglam photos. HEHE. And a really good friend, and shes an animal lover too!!!!!! which really rocks! coz most of the ppl i knw are afraid of orea, but she just approached oreo, FEARLESS. HAHA. And the times we played leap frog! Yes, i do love her. HEHE.
# I'll miss GINNY and JESSICA because one is my mother and the other is my dad! And i cnt help but string them tgt! coz they're so stringy and together-ie. HAHA.
# I'll miss Laura because. WAIT, i'll not miss laura! HAHAHA, shes in my class!!!! :P too bad! u cnt hav her, shes mine! neh neh ni bu bu!
# I'll miss Ivan because he's my best friend and really funny. " I cnt stand it! I look like Wu Chun" HAHAHA, omg, class would really suck without him! D: yes, i love ivan. HAHAa, not tht way. *cough cough* HAHAHA, but i wished he was in my class :D
# I'll miss Nicholas because he is my mei, and will forever be my mei! BLOOD SISTERS! HAHA! Oh, and i always ckope his money when we buy popcorn, so i dont need to pay so much. HAHA :D
# I'll miss Yang Jun because he is my best friend and he is soooo gay! HAHA, plus all those times we'd shout " Rong Da! Dont slp in class!! " and thn rong da would wake up really pissed. HAHAHAHA. OH, and Yang Jun owe's me chocolates! HAHA. :DD WOOZ! CHOCOLATES! And no! u cnt have any! :P
# Finally, I'll miss AH LONG! Shes like the best geog teacher everrr! shes so funny!
Thats it for today :D HAHA. Yes, unfortunately, i'll miss these blockhead of our class. HAHAHAHA. :D
Labels: why i'll miss you;
'walk with me?
Friday, 26 December 2008
True love feels like a deep, soul melting, passion bloated kiss.
He lifts your neck with the palm of his hand and kisses you back to life.
Youopen your eyes and see him gazing at you with such devotion your heart stops beating.
Because he is in you heart
And your soulmate
And everything inbetween.
Ah well, life is so boring! And i don wanna go back to school coz i knw tht sec3 is gonna be like totally STUPID and NOT fun like when we were all in 2Grace! Even Quan Li Agrees tht we're united! See! BAHHH.
Hmmm, wht else is there to blog? OH, happy Boxing day! I didnt get any presents! D: AND thank you JESSICA for the christmas card! x33
Oh wait! I earned like $50 in 60 SECS, which is one min. $50 dollar per minute. Not bad eh? I'd become a super rich woman one day! HAHA.
Coz my dad was being a sadist. He liked seeing me getting tickled and laughing my ass off, so he said "$50 if i tickle you for 1 min!" OF COURSE i accepted the deal. And after like 50+ seconds he stopped. And was like " Nvm la, $30 give you" So i was like " NO!, IDC! i want my $50!!!!"
And he said" Okay, but he cnt laugh out lound, cnt make any sound!" And of course, i won the bet. But i laughed until i liu pi ti. D: HAHA, but it was fun. And he was even laughing when he was tickling ME. Sadist i tell you! like to see me suffer! but! i got $50 anyway! WHEEE~
Hmmm, wht else. This morn couldn't go training because i had a doctor appointment. I cnt make it for trainings on Fridays laa, summore coach still ask " why u nvr go for all the trainings arh?"
I wanted to say" coz i cnt BLOODY make it on fridays (: " HAHAHAHA.
Was reading a book today. ANd they only kissed at the LAST page. like wth?!?!?!And the guy is...well...unusual, at least not the same as other books, where the guy is sweet and brings you flowers and is rich and everything a girl cn dream of.
This Guy was.. poor, smart, handsome, humble, had a tattoo goes to a nice school and is nice, but not the extremely sweet/nice type, just enough. Hmmm... i only read like 2 books with such guys. ( I dont think i mind poor guys, if they're this nice )(Yes, cn u believe i just said tht? I just said i prefer personality. WHTS happeneing to me????? D: )
I so loveee watching 90210! Haha, idk why, but i just like the story and the ppl!
Yesterday i read a book tht was exactly like 90210. De ja vu much?
The girl got kissed by a guy, and she told her boyfriend abt it, coz she felt guilty, and boyfriend got so mad, but it wasnt girl's fault. Andd boyfriend realises tht girlfriend was just being honest, and apologised.
This happened in 90210 and in a book a was reading(Rocky road).
Oh, and i recommend ppl to read the book. The Wrong Boy, written by Anne-Louise Weatherley. Its the ONLY book tht made me cry. hehe.
That should be it for today. Ah well, everyone seems so... And my tagboard is so dead DD: When i get tired of blogging, i shall officially close this blog down! :DDDDD Okay, buhbye ppl!
Labels: not me;
'walk with me?
Thursday, 25 December 2008
MERRY CHRISTMAS PPL! Wishing everyone joy and happy-ness :D

Labels: Merry christmas;
'walk with me?
Tuesday, 23 December 2008
Just an update uhh.
Well, friday, went to watch twlight, thn had a study date with quan li and qian hui. Thn went home.
On Monday, went on a study date with qian hui, marcus and samuel. And when samuel left, i felt like a goosberry == but qian hui wouldn't let me leave D: And well, completed everything except maths, well, coz, i lost my math ws :D HAHAHAHA. Thn i l=took a train home, whr marcus saw his pri school friends and wanted to axoid thm coz they're gansters? HAHAHA, i nvr hear before. OH! and i saw Cha Yoo Jin at the padestrian crossing. I called out for her, but she didnt hear me DD: And in the night, i had dance practice! SO TIRING!~
And today, had a netball carnival... and i'm so tired now.... Thn went for the christmas gathering. WEE~ thn went to teh chiropractor, and now, i'm back! And i'm gng for dance ltr. :D TIRED IS THE WORD FOR ME.
[] Public speaking ( I'm such an open person! :D )
[] Staying single forever ( nth to be afraid abt, coz i wont stay single forever! its impossible xD )
[x] Rejection
[] Being a parent
[x] Giving birth
[] Being myself in front of others
[] Open spaces
[] Closed spaces
[] Heights
[] Dogs
[] Fish
[x] Spiders
[] Flowers or other plants
[x] Scary guy
[] Being touched
[] Fire
[x] Deep water ( i cnt swim. hehe )
[] Snakes ( touched one before! )
[] Silk
[] The ocean ( I think its B-E-A-U-tiful )
[] Failure
[] Success
[] Thunder/lightning
[] Frogs/toads
[] My boyfriends/girlfriends dad
[] My boyfriends/girlfriends mom
[x] Rats
[] Jumping from high places
[] Snow
[] Rain
[] Wind
[] Crossing hanging bridges
[] Death ( die thn die lor. teehee. which reminds me. On monday, during lunch, we concluded, Marcus would die frm a car accident, Qian Hui would die because she cn take care of herself, And I, would die of looking at hot guys, which is impossible :D )
[] Heaven
[x] Being robbed ( DUHH, thn i'll have no money to shop!! How terrible is tht! D: )
[] Falling
[] Clowns
[] Dolls
[] Large crowds of people
[] Men
[] Women
[] Having great responsibilities
[] Doctors, including dentists
[x] Tornadoes
[x] Hurricanes
[x] Incurable diseases
[] Sharks
[] Friday the 13th ( diao -.- )
[] Ghosts (hmmm...)
[] Poverty( haha, impossible!. ROFL )
[] Halloween ( its sooo fun!!! )
[] School
[] Trains
[] Odd numbers
[] Even numbers
[x] Being alone
[x] Becoming blind
[] Becoming deaf
[] Growing up ( cnt wait! )
[] Creepy noises in the night ( i get tht a lot anyway. HEHE )
[] Bee stings ( hmmm.... i wont be stupid enough to egt stung :D )
[] Not accomplishing my dreams/goals ( i dont have dreams or goals xD )
[] Needles ( been there, done tht )
[] Blood
[] Dinosaurs ( they dont even exist anymore! )
[] The welcome mat
[] High speed ( high speed is thrilling! )
[] Throwing up
[] Falling in love
[] Super secret
If you get more than 30, I strongly recommend some counseling.
If you get more than 20, you’re paranoid.
If you get 10-20, you are normal.
If you get 10 or less, you're fearless.
People who don’t have any are liars
Hmmm... i got...6. WOW. I'm fearless! HAHA, but there weren't cockroaches, so hahahahaha.
Well, off i go to eat my kiwi :D buhbye!
Labels: boring life of mine;
'walk with me?
Sunday, 21 December 2008
Idk whr i ripped this frm (: i was just hopping ard. hehe.
[x] I Talk A LOT when I get really nervous. ( depending on hu i'm with )
[x] I am really ticklish.
[ ] I'm afraid of the dark.
[ ] I can't sleep in a room if the door is open
[ ]I can't sleep in a room if the door is closed
[ ] I am homosexual.
[x] I believe in true love.
[ ] I've ran away from home
[ ] I listen to political music
[ ] I collect comic books
[x] I shut others out when I'm sad.
[x] I've stayed out all night.
[x] I open up to others easily.
[x] I am keeping a secret from the world. ( i keep manyy ) :D
[x] I watch the news
[x] I love Disney movies.
[x] I am a sucker for green eyes.
[x] I am a sucker for brown eyes.
[x] I am a sucker for blue eyes
[ ] I dont kill bugs
[ ] I have "x"s in my screen name.
[ ] I've slipped and fell in public.
[x] I've slipped out a "lol" in a real conversation
[ ] I love Spam
[ ] I bake well.
[ ] I have worn pajamas to class.
[ ] I want a better job
[ ] Talked on a phone for 6+ hours. ( i've talked for 4 hours :D )
[ ] I love Dr. Phil.
[x] I like multiple people
[ ] I am guilty of tYpInG lIkE tHiS.
[x] I am self-conscious.
[x] I love to laugh.
[x] I have tried alcohol. ( hu heasnt?? )
[ ] I drink alcohol on a regular basis.
[ ] I have tried a cigarette.
[ ] I have smoked a pack in one day. ( i've got a NO SMOKING everr policy )
[ ] I loved Lord of the Flies. ( whts tht? )
[ ] I have cough drops when I'm not sick.
[ ] I can't swallow pills. ( i've eaten more pills thn any of u here have (: trust me on this one )
[ ] I have a lot of scars.
[x] I can't sleep if there is a spider in the room.( hmmm... i wouldn't even wanna be in tht rm )
[x] I like chocolate. ( LOVE IT )
[ ] I bite my nails.
[ ] I am not comfortable with being me.
[x] I play computer games when I'm bored.
[x] Gotten lost in the city. ( got lost in school before! )
[x] Thought of suicide before.
[ ] Seen a shooting star.
[x] Gone out in public in my pajamas ( when i was like 7? )
[x] Hugged a stranger. ( haha. )
[ ] Been in a fist fight.
[x] Laughed and had some type of beverage come out of my nose( i think it was just water. HAHAHA )
[x] Pushed all the buttons on an elevator. ( i was a mischievious kid :D )
[ ] Made out in an elevator. ( errrr.... == )
[x] Kicked a guy where it hurts on purpose ( why do u even bother to ask? )
[ ] Been skydiving.
[ ] Been bungee jumping.
[x] Gotten stitches. ( its expensive D: haha, hmm 11k including insurance )
[ ] Drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour ( i hate milk! )
[x] Bitten someone ( i think? hehe, terror kid. )
[x] Been to Niagara Falls. ( been through it. HAHAH. =x netballers shud knw wht i mean :D )
[x] Gotten the chicken pox. ( duhh! i still have the scars! )
[ ] Crashed into a car
[x] Been to germany. ( YES, YES, it was fantastic! so funn!!!! )
[x] Ridden in a taxi. ( Obviously? )
[ ] Shoplifted.
[ ] Been fired.
[x] Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back.( haha, yea sure, probably a ton of guys! Lets start with zac, thn joe...etc )
[ ] Stole something from your job.( nvr worked in my life (: )
[ ] Gone on a blind date.( i dont need one :D )
[ ] Had a crush on a teacher/coach.( wtf? no, unless he's some 16 year old guy teaching me to play tennis/swim/bowl/act/dance, if not, GOD NO )
[ ] Celebrated Mardi Gras in New Orleans. ( whats tht? )
[x] Been to Europe. ( 10/20 days tour or smth liddat. teehee, cried when i saw the leaning tower of piza. HAH, tot it was gonna topple [ i was like 7 ])
[ ] Slept with a co-worker, and/or employee. ( errrrr..... )
[x] Been married ( Married to Goh Qian Hui,we got married last yr, and we invited everyone :D )
[ ] Gotten divorced ( yea. HAHA )
[x] Saw someone/something dying. ( yea, and we all still miss him )
[x] have a list of people you want to kill. ( haha, maybe, as long as u dont cross the line, u're safe :D )[x] Ridden in a car over 400 miles in one day ( we did it in australia, we still do :D )
[ ] Seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show.
[ ] Thrown up in a bar.
[x] Eaten sushi. ( wooz! i love sushiii )
[x] Cried in public. ( hmm, does infront of my classmates count? )
[ ] Walked purposely into traffic with your eyes closed. ( dont be crazy )
[x] Liked someone even though you knew you shouldn't have. ( HEHE )
[x] Thought of someone a lot lately. ( HAHA )
[x] Hate the world ( yes i have, thus the "x" put in the brackets of "thought of commiting suidide", it was a phase )
Okay, its sooo boring and there's absolutely no one to talk online D: hehe.
Here's my letter to santa (:
Dear Santa,
Sorry for not writing to you earlier, i've been busy trying to be a good girl :D Sorry for not visitng you this year, like i did last year, our pilot refused to go to the north pole, we got him fired, but now, our private jet is a little cranky, it needs a month or so to be repaired, so we cnt help you to wrap those presents, i'm sorry santa, accept my apologies.
Ah well, how'ya doing santa? Still busy fufiling everyones' christmas wishes? Ah well, i've got a few of my own!
#1. i would like my year to go smoothly :D
#2. and everyones wishes to come through :D
Okay santa, i gotta go now, i'll write to you agn!
With love,
{ P.S i'll come visit when i cn, take care. }
Labels: santa;
'walk with me?
Thursday, 18 December 2008
I'm not gonna post much, coz there's nth much to post!Well, went to the Chiropractor. He twisted my back until there was this superrrr loud crack. It gave me a total shock, my mind went blank. HAHA, thn he did the same thing to my neck. HAHA. Superrr expensive == I was telling my mom tht we could have used the money to go to Japan instead. TSK. There's my report!
Oh, and i was watchiing Ellen Degeneres. i love her show man. She always makes me laugh till i cry and everyone asks me to shut up. HAHAHA. there was this video this afternoon.
Teehee! Okay i'm off to go ckop songs. HAHA, tmr watching twlight! thn go study. HAHA. :D Oh, and i love watching 90210! ( i'm being rdm =x )
Labels: Fear;
'walk with me?
Hello people :D
Err, well, went out on tuesday with Jessica, Blossom and Celestine to watch Bolt. So touching :D make Jessica and I cry. HAHA.Thn we went to walk, walk and walk and we went back. HAHA.
Wednesday isn't anymore interesting. == I couldn't slp in the night, and ended up sleeping at 4:30+ Grrrr. And woke up at like 10:23. I think i'm suffering frm amnesia sia. Thn i went to Parkway, bought one tank top frm 77th street, one landyard, and one three-quards frm esprit :D
and today, well, i just woke up. Teehee, aand i'm gng off to eat, thus i'm rushing this post, thus the short post. (: Maybe i'll post ltr, in detail. Bye (:
Labels: rush;
'walk with me?
Monday, 15 December 2008
Sorry for not updating. Hehe, wasnt home for the last few days (:
Ah well, i cnt really remember wht happened ytd. hehe.
But today, i went to the chiropractor( at least i think its spelled like tht o.o ) Than i went for an x-ray of my back at The Paragon, and i think a huge amount of my brains cells probably died due to the radiation, which probably lowered my I.Q by a lot D: HAHA
Thn i went for lunch at Fish & .Co, i think the portions are huge o.o And the Seafood clam Chowder was superrr nice :D got scallop summore :DD
After tht, went to SIM LIM to get my ipod touch :DD And i persuaded my dad to get me the 16GB one. :DDDD I'm really good at persuasion. Teehee!
Well, thn my parents went for foot reflexology while a read a book, and we came home :D Where now, i'm loading songs into my ipod touch :D hehe. Ckoping songs frm QianHui. Wooz, i love herr :D Haha, shes the best person to Ckop songs from! ::CKOP:: HAHAHAHAHAHA. I dont even knw how to spell tht word properly o.o
Ooo, and my bro cn help me modify the ipod :D teehee, so i cn dl songs directly into the ipod :D but i'm still thinking if i should, coz the guarantee card wouldn't be valid after tht, but thn agn, we cn always restore the old settings if there's a screw up. HAhA, i'll think thru it....
Ah well, tmr, Gng out with Blossom, Celestine And Jessica. I THINK. Did we even confirm everything? haha, get it settled tmr. hehe.
Do you think my dad would buy me my $119 wallet even after he has bought me my ipod? o.o OH WAIT!!!! CHRISTMAS PRESENT! oh, but he was supose to get my new sports shoes D: But nvm, The shoes cn wait :DDDDDD
WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. I'm super high right now. hahahaahha. Don't mind me and my blabberingg.
Study Date on Friday includes : IVAN ( My best fren ). Qian Hui ( MY DEAREST DARLING ). Jessica ( My LAOO Pa ). &Quan Li ( My ........ amusingPussy friend :D ) Teehee.
That should be all for today i guess? :DD No Quizzes for today, i'm too busy. HAHAHA. ( as if )
Labels: happy me;
'walk with me?
Saturday, 13 December 2008
(Kneeling on the stage* One spotlight shining down* Entire stage is dark* Looking up into the heavens*) One Day, Just One day, ( One hand raised into the sky* Hopeful eyes* Sprakle in the eye* ) I hope to find hope boy of my dreams. ( Bring both hands to heart area* Still very hopeful*)
(Moves and sits on a bench, only one spotlight* Hands Still on heart area*) How i wish this guy existed. ( Stands up and looks into sky agn* ) I really hope he comes along soon, i really need him right now. ( Looks down on the floor in disappointment* ) Why? Why? WHY? Why did he have to leave? ( Gets down on knees agn* Tears rolling down cheeks* )
HAHA, i was just super wu liao. haha, this is how my play will be. HAHAHA.
Anyways, nth much is happening lately, but i'm gonna buy an Ipod Touch :D NO, i dont have so much money, so i'll settle for 8kb de (: If i cn persuade my dad to buy me the 16kb one :D
Hmmm, oh, ytd night i had this dream, there was joey ong, Sherly( a pri sch fren, netballer ) and a lot of other ppl who i cnt remember. I tink got Jia Qi oso o.o
That should be all for today ba, off to do my daily doses of quizzes. (:
You Are Practically Plastic |
You're so beautiful that it's almost unreal Unfortunately, you're attitude's a little unreal too Everyone knows you're super hot - no need to remind them You've got it going on, so stop obsessing! |
WTH? I nvr go for surgery beforeee norrrrrr. Only for my wrist la, but thts not the point!
You Are Occasionally a Narcissist |
While you have healthy self esteem, you're really not that full of yourself. Compared to most people, you're quite humble!
Though occasionally, you can't help and reflect on how great you are. There's nothing wrong with being proud of yourself - as long as you don't let it go to your head! |
Whts a Narcissist?
You Are a Koala |
You look cute, but there's nothing cute about the way you act. You're a total brat. You like to be left alone, and if someone doesn't respect that, you are downright vicious.
You do your own thing... so much so that you tend to be pretty indifferent to those around you. It is difficult for you to form emotional bonds with people - even if they want to form bonds with you. |
HAHa, koala~ "It is difficult for you to form emotional bonds with people - even if they want to form bonds with you." Heard tht? SO u better all cherish me! HAHAHAHAHA.
You Are a Realist |
You don't see the glass as half empty or half full. You see what's exactly in the glass. You never try to make a bad situation seem better than it is... But you also never sabotage any good things you have going on. You are brutally honest in your assessments of situations - and this always seems to help you cope. |
I'm a realist! :D
Your Personality Profile |
You are pure, moral, and adaptable. You tend to blend into your surroundings. Shy on the outside, you're outspoken to your friends.
You believe that you live a virtuous life... And you tend to judge others with a harsh eye. As a result, people tend to crave your approval. |
I'm only shy on like teh first day of school cn. I do judge ppl with a harsh eye though, but its my chracter la :D
Your True Love Is a Capricorn |
Why you'll love a Capricorn:
Hard working and driven, a Capricorn will work overtime to win your heart. Be prepared to get wined and dined, even once you're convince that your Capricorn is the one!
Why a Capricorn will love you:
You don't rush things. You know it will take a while for a Capricorn to trust you, and you can wait. Social and outgoing, you can introduce normally shy Capricorn to a great circle of friends. |
Capricon is wht month de? o.o
OKay, off i go to read my book :D Not like there's anything more for me to do right?
'walk with me?