Gio's b'day was AWESOME. haven't met the guys in a while. Han jie, Shen Hao, Ricky, Sherlyn.
Who was there : Blos, gio, lyn, me, Han jie, Shen Hao, Ricky, Roy.
I love them to bits. YES, EVEN THE GUYS.(not roy la. coz it woul sound weird if i said it. ya knw wht i mean. ) I mean who wouldn't?
They're the bestest, bestest ppl. And i'd give anything so tht all of us are in the same school!
Quiz thingo.
A is for Anna
1) Do you love this person? Yes. HAHA. BIMBO!
2) Is this person your enemy? ya thing? like of course not!
3) Would you hug this person? Alrdy did. xD
B is for Blossom
1) What do you really think of this person? Bestie! dependable x33.
2) What’s their favorite color? PINK PINK PINK
3) Ever danced with them? errr....LOL. no i guess?
C is for Chin Chiuen Chou
1) What do you think of this People? HAHA. like very very funny!
2) How far does this person live? hmmm, not very? Wilkinson road!
3) How old is he? 15. younger thn me heh!
D are for Daphne.
1) How long have you known him/her? 3yrs i guess.
2) Do you like this person? like duh! DUCKUS!
3) Do you hate this person? I think this is a stupid question.
E is for Eevon
1) Have you met their parents? HAHAHA, we share the same parents!
2) Worst thing about this person? She's not good with time. =X
3) Best thing about this person? everyth else :D
F is for Felicia
1) Have you ever dated this person? Like no. She's my snr leh! plus, i'm GAY
2) When is the next time you will see him/her? idk? If i happen to meet her in sch, thn monday lo.
3) Do you go to school with them? =.= i'm not gonna ans this question.
G is for Giovanni
1) Have you heard this person sing? SHES FREAKING AWESOME. haha. choir de lehs!
2) What's his/her pet's name? No pets for her. xD
3) Will he/she repost this? Maybe?
H is for Han Jie
1) What grade are they in? Sec3 yo!
2) Is he/she your best friend? er. Guess not?
3) Ever done something illegal with this person? i've not even done anything illegal before
I is for Ivan koo Kah Ming
1) What is this persons favorite food? everything. LOL!
2) How did you meet this person? SCHOOL
3) Do you trust them? heh.
J is for Jin Ren
1) They have any siblings? i think he's got one brother.
2) Do you know their favorite song? HAHAHA. hell no.
3) What would you do if they confessed they liked you? roflmao. I will stare and like stone.
K is for Khairul
1) How old were you when you first met? LOL. errr. 8? ya. 8!
2) Do you like him/her as a friend? Like duh.
3) Would you go to disney world with this person? HAAHA. ya?
L is for laura
1) Is this person older than you? nah.
2) Is this person single? i think? idk, she doesnt tell me these type of things la!
3) How many times do you talk to them in a week? hmm. supposedly everydy? but we dun really talk tht much (:
M is for Marcus Chin
1) How old were you when you first met? hmm. err. 14?
2) Whats his/hers pets name? doesnt have a pet i think.
3) Ever danced with this person? ROFL. like I WOULDN'T! and no. HAHAHA
N is for Ng Shu Ling
1) How old were you when you first met the person? 13!
2) Do you like this person? yes, :D
3) What would you do if you had never met this person? we'll not hve a captain as good as her.
O is for Ong joey? HAHAH
1) Are you related? Best friend.
2) Could you live with this person? maybe. But she;s not gng anywhere.
3) What school do they go to? The best school in the world. CCHMS.
P is for Poh Yang Jun
1) Have you been to the mall with this person? Err, ya?
2) How about a sleepover with them? like no. HAHA
3) Does this person have a job? LOL, nope.
R are for Ricky.
1) Have you heard this person sing? Like no! And i dun want to!
2) Will she/he repost this? HAHA, no. he wouldnt even come here!
3) When does this person look best? How i knw!
S is for Sherlyn
1) Is this person taller than you? Yep!
2) Do you enjoy spending time with him/her? DEFINITELY
3) Is this person your friend? She's more thn tat.
T is for Tracy
1) What grade is this person in? SEC4
2) Would you hug this person? LOL! Hmmmm. Later her BF K.O me.
3) Do they live close to you? nope.
U is for -NONE-
V is for vincent.
1) Would you do anything for him/her? like no. HAHA. He's like gio's bro!
2) Do you consider them a friend? yeaaaa. i guess? HAHA
3) Have you met any of his/her family? Yea? Mom, sis, cousin?
W is for Wei Jiet
1) Is this person loud or quiet? LOUD. haha.
2) Have you seen this person dance? ike no. I bet my eyes will rot after tht.
3) What color eyes does this person have? He's got FREAKING NICE EYES. Its like brown, but lighter brown! I'm like superrr jealous!
Y is for Yan Zhan
1) How old were you when you first met this person? 13
2) What do you think of this person? She's like S.M.A.R.T
3) Have you heard this person sing? yes.
Z is for Zhan Wen
1) How old were you when you first met? errr. Idk?
2) Do you like him/her as a friend? he's like my snr. in way. so yes, i guess?
3) Would you go to disney world with this person? HAHAHA. OMG, have u heard him scream? I'd go deaf! But yes (:
Labels: they the only ones.
'walk with me?
Hello world, exams are over and i'm freaking happy! HAHA. i like finished reading 2 books today :D
Anyway, the chalet was awesome. Too bad for those who didnt come, and even worse for those who left early. HAHAHA, coz the fun started after they left.
It all started when i went to the toilet after we came back from the beach. Thn joshua(god knows wht's his surname), the one frm GR, Quan Li, and Laura had to like "throw" water over, for the other cubicle. Coz apparently,the place whr u shower and the place where u pee, are in seperate cubicles!
SO to get back at them i took a cup and splashed waster at quan li. Thn i took a water balloon and threw it at joshua. Unfortunately... ermm, it its the wrong place. AHAHAHHAHA. And worst of all, it didnt burst, it bounced off. HAH. Omg, damn mean, but i didnt mean to, they started it.
I didnt get back at laura though, but i've got lots of time to do tht in class. :D
Thn well, i think we had dinner, there apparently, Quan Li was our chef. P.S, QIANHUI DOESNT KNOW HOW TO START A STEAMBOAT! (* jerome lee! do you have a recording of her admitting it? coz i want it xD * )
So....ya, i was suffering from gastric. HAHA. thn after dinner well, qianhui and i went to return the roller blades and forgot to return cheryl's. =X oh, did i mention we roller bladed? haha.
SO while qianhui and cheryl made other trip back to return the blades, jia qi, nicole, celine, quan li, joshua and I were chatting, talking abt the times tht certain ppl got drunk and random stuff! And christopher cleaned up. I felt guilty, but i didnt help. i'm so mean i knw. but, cleaning up ain't my thing yo.
When Qianhui came back, she started the whipped cream fight. I think she threw whipped cream into quan li's face. HAHAHA. And well, i threw whipped cream in joshua's face, and it landed on this spectacles, and th dumbest thing of all, he took his spectacles and threw on the floor(?) because there was whipped cream on it. HAHAHAHA. okay, i'm being mean agn.
SO that's how the fight got started. Did i mention i got whip cream rubbed into my hair, coz joshua wanted revenge? yes, i was screaming like a girl :D but I've not screamed for a long time (:
thn i think ronald took water and poured it over qianhui. Thn he passed the bottle to rhine, but he didnt pour any on quan li, who was like right in front of him, so i took the bottle and well...poured water over him. AND PANDAMONIUM BROKE OUT. LOL.
So soap was throw, ronald drank moma lemon, we were just fighting. THEY ARE LIKE VIOLENT, and so do not let of girls :D its not supposed to be a happy thing, but it was really fun. And quan li and ronald just like pused me/qianhui into the toilet and on-ed the tap on us. I nvr really thought of tht trick. HAHA. but all in all, i went home soaked and really smelly. i think.
Wait, did i mention i dun even know ronald...?
Lastly, i don't wanna get back my results. so goodbye for now. *yes, i love qianhui. No i'm not lesbians* *kris allen is cute/hot. and qianhui agrees*
for once, it felt like the old times. times i really miss.
Labels: its been a long time;
'walk with me?
Today, i'm gonna have a really random post! But firstly, i hate everyone else tht finishes their exam tmr D: while i have to mug for bio, which is such a bore !!
Random pictures!

I have no idea why i have this picture in my phone. I think one of the bimbo's took it :D And to think abt it, i really really really miss training truckloads! I need to get my spare tyres off, and i miss fooling ard on court!

DOnt ask me why i have this picture in my phone. I think its keith and wei jiet.
Happy mothers' day to mummy dearest! Royal strawberry from savoury fare. For those who nvr tried this before, its really nice, i seriously recommend this. For my birthday next yr, i want this cake! :D

EEYORE! I'm still loving it!

My name is really pretty! x33
Geog was sooo boring! I want to pull my eyes out.

Eelin has finished studying geog and is rejoicing.

My lovely retro radio!


Eelin loves eeyore truckloads !!

This is plain random, its my door knob! HAHAHA

This is how her hair looks after a day's of work yo!
She's been living on these for the past week. Ooooh! I love ice cream!
Meeting the girls and guys soon for gio's b'day! I LOVE THEM :D they're such wacky ppl, and cnt be found in cchms! because we're all of different nationalities! :D I love international schools! HEHE. KKay bye, maybe gng to try studying bio ==, which really sucks, like freaking hell!
Labels: i love them;
'walk with me?