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Saturday, 27 June 2009

Had tuition since like 11. Today has been tuition, tuition and more tuition. D:

Its so boring, and i'm reading a book called " a friend like henry ". Its abt a autistic boy and his dog(golden retreiver, which reminds me of oreo. ) I recommend it. (:


Stubborn and hard-hearted. Ambitious and serious. Loves to teach and be taught. Always looking at people's flaws and weaknesses. Likes to criticize. Hardworking and productive. Smart, neat and organized. Sensitive and has deep thoughts. Knows how to make others happy. Quiet unless excited or tensed. Rather reserved. Highly attentive. Resistant to illnesses but prone to colds. Romantic but has difficulties expressing love. Loves children. Loyal. Has great social abilities yet easily jealous. Very Stubborn and money cautious.

I agree la ! Except for the hardworking part. xD and i'm easily jealous? I guess. HAHAHA.

Right brain individual: Right brain individuals are intuitive, creative and imaginative. They are flexible and are concerned with the bigger picture rather than details. They are impulsive and spontaneous and do not like time limits. They have difficulty explaining ideas verbally and prefer illustrations to verbal instructions. Careers: Architects, Artists, Salespeople, Psychiatrists, Musicians, Politicians, Teachers. (Interpersonal, Emotional, Musical, Spiritual, Talker.) Left brain individuals are analytical, articulate and to the point. They like identifying details and are more logical than intuitive. Left brained people have good communication and persuasion skills. Careers: Engineers, Systems Analysts, Technicians, Accountants, Librarians. (Administration, Conservative, Organization, Planner, Structure.)


60things boys need to knw abt girls

one of the questions was like " A messy desk : (1) doesnt bother u so much. (2) Is very disturbing (3) Is a sign of a genius.
I BET joey will put option3. HAHAHAHHA. Its like SO her.

1. When you compliment us, we aren't sure how to accept the compliment without leading you on or reject the compliment without hurting you.

2. We like it when you say we're beautiful or pretty, NOT hot or sexy! We're not whores (usually).

3. We like you to be specific in your compliments (don't just say we're beautiful, say you look beautiful because those earrings bring out your eyes, etc.)

4. WE HATE BEING LED ON! If you think it's bad being led on by a girl, try being led on by a guy.

5. We like it when guys are willing to have an actual relationship, not just a one-night stand. Most girls don't like pimps or players, just guys who like ONE girl only.

6. But don't be obssessive. Major turn-off.

7. Please put your ego aside in important situations. We love it when you stand up for us, but not when you stand up against us.

8. Call sometimes, just to say hi, not for a certain reason. When we see your number on caller ID, our heart always skips a beat.

9. If we're PMSing, listen to whatever we have to say and agree, no matter what. Don't give advice, just give chocolate.

10. Don't talk about the way other girls look.

11. Actually, don't really talk about other girls in general, unless we're all friends. If I don't know her, I don't want to hear about her.


13. Don't ONLY tell us what we want to hear. We HATE that.

14. At sleepovers, if you wonder what we talk about, quit worrying. It really is only you.

15. If you catch us staring, it is most likely because we're spacing out, not because we really stare at you. Unless we smile when you notice. Then you either look really hot, or we like you.

16. We love a guy who will cook for us.

17. We like it when you hold us when we're crying. It's good to feel loved and safe.

18. If you're ever unsure about something, just go for it. Trust us, we'll let you know if you made a mistake.

19. If you like us, ask us out!!!! We hate waiting.


20. We CANNOT read minds. The one thing all girls will say is that we have no idea what you are thinking, no matter how confident we seem.

21. Don't go to our friends to talk about us. Come straight to us.

22. If a girl's BFF asks you if you like that girl, then she likes you. Say you want to talk to the girl about it, then actually talk to her.

23. Don't be a player. We hate that.

24. Don't tell us you love us unless you are positive you mean it. If we don't say it back, it's just that we really want to mean it when we say it. Don't say it right away, then it shows lack of commitment.

25. We like our hands to be held and our waists to be touched.

26. Waist, not butt. Hands, not boobs. Held, not fondled.

27. Try to look nice as much as possible. Not dressed up, but if you look like you just rolled out of bed, it can be a turn-off.

28. WE LOVE WHEN YOU SMELL GOOD! Wear cologne! (but not too much!!!!! We don't want to choke on your smell when you pass us in the hallway!)

29. We like you to kiss our hand and cheeks and forehead (esp. forehead!!), not just shove your tongue down our throats. We do like to breath.

30. We like it when you're tender, but don't lose your masculinity.

31. Do chivalrous things when we least expect it (ex. holding doors for us).

32. Be a guy! We like sensitivity, but we don't want another girlfriend. We might mistake you for being gay. Seriously.

33. As surprising as it may be, while guys might actually look at personality, the first thing girls look at tends to be looks. We're not going to see you and think, 'I wonder what his personality is like!'. Terrible, but true.

34. Be confident, but not piggish. You're not all that, but we don't want you to be self-conscious.

35. We like to see you get hurt. If you get hurt, don't feel afraid to show that your in pain. It's kind of cute (in moderation).

36. Be our knight in shining armor. Treat us like a princess, but be the decision maker in the relationship.

37. We like it when you ask us what we're ok with physically, but don't talk about it all the time.

38. We LOVE it when you get nervous around us. It's adorable! Don't think you have to be Mr. Cool Guy all the time.

39. Don't play hard to get.

40. If you don't call us, then we will spend hours thinking about why you never called, and we will waste a lot of time thinking about it, eventually coming to the conclusion that we don't like you anymore.

41. We lost interest quickly if you lead us on but never take action.

42. We might seem to flirt a lot, but a girl always thinks about the one guy she really likes right before she falls asleep.

43. When a girl likes a guy, she subconsciously gives him a song that makes her think of him every time she hears it.

44. If guys do the same as girls do in #43, tell what song reminds you of her.

45. In a conversation, LOOK AT HER FACE NOT HER BOOBS! They're just lumps of fat! They're not that hot!!!!!!!!!!

46. Butts are flabby. Get over it. Not everyone is J-Lo. Guys should not determine their feelings on a piece of ass. However, we do like it if you compliment our asses.

47. Randomly compliment girls in conversations. If you're talking about sports, be like "Oh, by the way, that shirt really made your eyes look green today."

48. Ask us about how we're doing once in a while, and at least pretend to be interested.

49. If we're upset and we're crying, just be there, don't try to give us advice, psychoanalyze us, or pester us. Just give us a hug and let us know you're there.

50. If we're not talking to you, we secretly want you to talk to us first.

51. Play with our hair without being like a gay hairstylist.

52. Always IM us first. We don't want to IM you first, and if we have to, we will automatically think that you don't like us, wonder why you didn't IM us, and feel desperate.

53. We get really happy when you show any sign of interest. Don't just do it and then never do it again.

54. Keep up the conversation on IM and phones and in person! Don't be awkward.

55. We will always feel bad if we don't like you back. Not all girls are *****es, no matter what you may think. We hate to reject you.
^^^^ok, so some girls are *****es and they like rejecting boys, but the people who wrote this group are not. better?

56. If we say "Let's just be friends", we really mean it. Don't keep trying to pursue us, and don't say ok and then ignore us. That's just mean.

57. It's adorable when a best guy friend who a girl has thought about liking confesses he likes her.

58. Girls love it when relationships are old fashioned and romantic. Always ask permission.

59. If a girl blushes when you talk to her, she either likes you or she's embarassed by what you're saying.

60. Every time you smile at us, it may mean only a little to you, but it means the world to us. Don't take the little things for granted.

I think ANNA bimbo wrote this. *though called bimbos, we're actually SMART* HAHAHA.

I think number 33 is damn funny. It got me laughing like crazy. HAHA, and its totally true!
55 made me laugh really hard too. HAHA

Yep, i miss my 3bimbos and my crazy chio bu. Cuz we go crazy during netbal trainings dont we? typical. ( i cnt believe even coach calls me tht. )



'walk with me?

Friday, 26 June 2009

I've decided to like not do the oral on the journal blog. Coz i only did like one, and i didnt want to do anymore, it was like dreadful D:

Just completed maths quiz, and sch's reopening like next week. BLEAH. There are supposed to be like tonns of tests next week. I HAVENT EVEN MEMORISE GONG HAN. BAHHHHH, i'm tired of all tha stupid sch work. There's like so many H1N1 cases alrdy, why do we still have to go back. Not to mention, o'lvl oral is starting soon, which really sucks, coz i cnt speak chi. I'd like rather learn malay, at least they use alphabets.

who am i to complain? There are many other people that are worse of thn me right? *channeling positive thinking*

I wanna watch transformers D:And Lionel Ee had to go rub it in my face after he watched it. D:
There are so many movies i havent watched! and so little time. In fact, NO TIME at all! Sch officially ruins my life. Wait, wht life am i talking abt? I dont even have a life.

HAHA, i'm like having monologue with myself. HAHA.

nvm. Time to do a quiz.agn. Actually, i like doing quizzes. HAHA. surprise surprise.

Have you kissed somebody over 19 years of age?
HMMMM, lemme think. Uhh no, not besides my brothers and father (: COunt urself lucky if u got my first kiss. HAHAHHAAHHA

What would you do if your best friend went out with your ex?
Uhhh. I wouldnt care. LOL. there's a reason he's my EX. HAHA. plus, i nvr had an ex.

Green or gold?
Gold. (: gold is shiny, green is dirty

What’s your sport?
Netball? Long Jump? ( as long as i dun have to bounce the ball anf run at the same time, i think i cn do tht sport )

Do you know how to keep a conversation going?
If I wanted to? Idk. Like i'd bother.

Do you like the rain?
Depending on my mood. If i wanted to cry, i'd say rain. If i was chripy and wanted to play, i'd say CLOUDY :D

What hat would you rock?
I dont do hats, or accessories. I do NATURAL. HAHAHA.

Were you ever with someone who was completely different than you?
NOT with, but met.

Have you ever had a crush on someone that was in a relationship?
Hmmmm. Nope. HAHA.

When was the last time you were told you were beautiful?
I cnt rmb. A decade ago.

What is bothering you right now?
I miss oreo. Sch sucks.

I’ll bet you miss someone right now.
Yea, i miss 4 someones and one irreplaceable oreo(:

Are you easily scared by horror/thriller films?
Yea, but thts wht makes them nice to watch :D

If you were given $100, would you spend it, or save it?
Gamble it HAHAHA kidding

If there was a large spider in the room, would you stay?
Not even if u gave me $1000. If i did, i was kidnapped and replaced.

Do you have any enemies?
Not really.

Ever kissed a blonde haired, blue eyed person?
OMG, thts like my dream come true. And yes, but in my dreams. But at tht moment, it seemed real. Good enough for me. LOL.

When was the last time you were truly happy with your life?
Hmmm. whenever i'm with all my besties. (:

When is the last time you made someone else cry?
Idk man. I think i make ants die. ( tht is rdm )

Would you be able to date someone who had a kid with someone else?
UHHH. NO. Unless his ex wife was like some pyschopath, and he's nice.

Last person you had a deep and meaningful conversation with?
Idk. I've lost touch with my dearest.

Does your ex miss you?
I dun have one. If i did,HIS LOSS. HAHAHAHAHHA. and he will miss me . LOL.

Reason behind why you last cried?
I missed oreo.

Do you have a deep dark secret?
Maybe, but joey probably knws my secrets <33> Are your parents married/separated/divorced
MARRIED. like duhhh.

What did you fear was going to get you at night as a child?
Ghosts? thats why i always covered my toes. HAHA. for security HAHAHA.

Who would you want to be tied to for 24 hours?
Hmmmm. Idk, my future husband.

Who do you blame for your mood today?
The lack of slp.

Have you ever seen a dead body?
Sort of i guess.

Last person you went out to dinner with?
My family.

How do you vent your anger?
I cry/scream/jump around/shout vulgarities ( u do not do tht often )

Are most of your friends virgins?
UHHH. NO. HAHAHA Of course la.

Are you a mama’s child or a daddy’s child?
I'm BOTH of their child.

Is anything alive in your room?
i'm not in my room. I'm a the dining table. HAHA. My answer is micro-organism. xP


Can you name 31 people you can think of right off the top of your head? Don't read the questions underneath until you write the names of all 31 people.
((girl-guy-girl-guy in random order))

1. Qianhui
2. JoeyO
3. Jia Qi
4. Blos
5. Yang Jun
6. Sherlyn
7. Gio
8. Ivan Koo
9. Shen hao
10. Han jie
11. Ricky
12. Khairul
13. Timothy thia
14. Timothy Wong
15. Sherly C.K
16. Keith Low
17. Wong Wei Jiet
18. Jin ren
19. Jessica
20. Laura
21. Brenda koh
22. Brenda Leong
23. Wai Ting
24. Chrystal Winata BIMBO
25. Anna BIMBO
26. Stephanie BIMBO
27. Ho Joon
28. Quan Li
29. Rachael Yeo ( Bimbo/My Chio bu )
30. Rachael Chan
31. Larry Moh


• How did you meet 10? Han Jie
I dun rmb. Sch?(tkps)

• What would you do if you had never met 6? Sherlyn
I wouldnt have such a good fren (: (shes a little bimbotic too =x )

• What would you do if 20 and 15 dated? Sherly, laura
I dun think tht will ever happen. If tht did. I'd just faint.

• If you could marry between 6 and 14 who will it be? Sherlyn, timothy Wong
HAHAHA. Ummm. Sherlynn, if i decided to be lesbian. Timothy, if he suddenly turned into this handsome ang mo and grew like 15cm. LOL.

• Did you ever like 9? Shen Hao
Yeah. Like hello, if i didnt like him, he wouldnt be a fren. (:

• Have you ever seen 4 cry? Blos
Yea. (: AND i hope she doesnt cry agn. Whoever makesher cry next, i've gonna kick HIM in the groin, or shave HER bald.

• Would 4 and 17 make a good couple? Blos, Wong Wei Jiet
HAHAHA.. I guess they could try. LOL, and i think blos is taller thn wei jiet.

• Would number 1 and 2 make a good couple? Qianhui and Joey
LOL. Like no. HAHA

• Describe 8. Ivan Koo
He's like really lame. He's freaking hardworking, and he's my best fren.

• Do you like 12? Khai
Yea, he's a nice guy :D

• Tell me something about 17. Wei jiet
He's really dark. LIKE REALLY dark. but i think thts an understatement. So, he's an idiot, hu's really smart and funny.sort of.

• What's 7's favorite color? Gio
Purple (:

• What would you do if 1 just confessed he/she liked you? Qianhui
I'm sure she does, but we dun really talk much these days, and i missed the times (:

• When was the last time you talked to number 15? Sherly C.K
MONTHS back.

• How do you think 19 feels about you? Jessica
Idk. She thinks i'm okay?

• What language does 13 speak? Timothy thia
Really bad chinese. English.

• Who is 2 going out with? JoeyO
GEOFFERY. HAHAHAHA. kidding. she'd kill me if she saw this. She's dating me (:

• What year is 16 in? Keith Low
Kindergarden 1. HAHAHA. Secondary three. in three loyalty.

• What is 5's favorite music? Yang Jun
why ask me? ask ehem.

• Would you ever date 13? Timothy thia
*coughs* i've got no comments.

• Is 11 single? Ricky
Yea? i guess? but if anyone wants to date him, i cn rmb his n.o by heart, so u cn ask me for it. HAHAHA

• What is 10's last name? Han Jie
Jie. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. really. HAHAHAHHA. i cnt stop laughing now. ( i'm so bad )

• Would you ever want to be in a serious relationship with 7? Gio
Yea. we're alrdy in one. A really serious friend relationship. After all, she's been my best frm for 9 years. bet u cnt beat tht.

• Where does 18 live? Jin ren
Dakota Crescent. Block 60. level 14. HAHA. no, i didnt stalk him.

• What do you think about 20? Laura
Shes gonna make me go deaf one of these days.

• What is the best thing about 30? Rachael Chan
Shes really sweet (:

• What would you like to tell 14 right now? Timothy Wong
U damn skinny leh. wth. Its unfair.

• How did you meet 21? Brenda Koh

• What is the best and worst thing about 2? Joey O
Best : Didnt i mention that shes a really good fren, Like a really strong pillar i can lean on, anytime. She'd be there for me for anything. She'd listen to my sorrows (: and although she always looks very strong, she can be vulnerable too. And my life would be very different without her.
Worst: Shes turning into a gu niang. She cnt walk in the sun ==

• Are you going to know 3 forever? Jia Qi
Yea. If not who's going to go trekking with me? Hu's gonna go cycling with me? Who's going ot love dogs as much as me? And who's gonna sub my WD position in netball when i'm tired? HUH? HU HUH? TELL ME.

• How long have you known 26? Stephanie
2 years?

• Who is 24? Chrystal Leandra winata/Hasan He yuan Yuan
Shes gonna roam the world with me to do manicures and our hair.HAHAHA. She's a genius for a bimbo.

• Are you or did you ever date 2? JoeyO
Uhhh. yea. HAHAHAHA. Like i'm not lesbian !

• Do you have a crush on 27? Ho Joon
UHH. I'm like not gng to ans this question.

• Would you kiss 25? Anna BIMBO
Yea. Air kiss. HAHAHA. *its a bimbo thing, u wont get it*

• Have you hugged/kissed 22? Brenda Leong
Yea, i'm her Jack(titanic) and she's my rose.

• Would you like to hug/kiss 21? Brenda Koh
If i tried to hug her, she'd freak. Shes sensitive to these type of things

• What do you hate about 23? Eelin
She's a flawless bitch(:

• What's your relationship with 28? Quan Li
Friends? HAHA. He's really funny (:

• Will you invite 29 to your party? Rachael Yeo
DEFINITELY. as long as it doesnt involve her emo-ing abt not being able to run longD or smth.

• Is 31 your best friend? Larry Moh
Far from tht. AHAHAHA.

ah well. thts all i guess. And i urgently need to like use the toilet. HAHA. Okay bye. oh and one final thought. I miss joeyo and oreo. (:


'walk with me?

Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Isnt this contradicting? In the previous post, i'm compatible with ppl born betwn 22ndMay to 21st June, but this quiz, which is also taken on facebook, says another.

EeLin took the Which Zodiac Sign Are You Most Compatible With? quiz and the result is Cancer

You are most compatible with CANCER! I'm sure most of your friends are Cancerians! Together you're going to rock! Cancerians are serious, caring, sensitive people with complex psyches. This is a sign that dislikes taking unneccessary risks. They are able to identify with the situations of others because of the keenness of their imaginations. Their sharp ears and talent for mimicry can sometimes give them success on the stage, though their tendency to be emotional may make them overact. A wounded Cancerian is not an easy person to deal with. Given the opportunity at the right time, people of this sign cope remarkably well with fame, fortune, and responsibility. Money and a sense of security play an important part in the Cancerian scheme of life. Though careful with money they are kind, generous and thoughtful.

cancer is wht date de?
this is contradicting.



'walk with me?

I'm tired, and i've got chi, eng and bio left. which is quite a lot. but so sian....i'm planning to copy for chinese. LOL.

So i'm doing facebook quizzes. LOL. i'm so wu liao rightt.

They are born between 22st May - 21st June


You're not prone to falling head over heels in love. However, you do find yourself falling in love, but slowly. Beforehand, you like to put your devoted admirer to the test. You need intellectual exchanges. To seduce you, this person best not be your average Joe and they will know how to get off the beaten track. And most importantly, they won't smother you. Very independent you are and you need your freedom to be happy. Before committing yourself, you reflect for a long time, which generally allows you to make the right decision. It's not easy to tie an you down... But it's a different matter with these kinds of people. You will find their intelligence and bubbly character attractive. You can speak about anything with them and are enriched by your contact with them. They respect your independent spirit because they are also obsessed with liberty. You don't feel like they enclose you in a cage. Quite the opposite, they help you to escape from routine. And in bed, all's good! You're both very imaginative and have a lot of fun together.

These type of things got date one meh?!?! i think the date thing is totally bogus, but i think the info is relatively true. RELATIVELY.

Excellent!! (100%)


You've Got to be Kidding Me!! Either you're an expert on the field of Women, or you've cheated!! Or else, you might just be a women who has taken the quiz to see if it's really authentic! Whatever it is, Congratulations.... You're an Expert on the most difficult topic on earth.... Women!!

roflmao! 100% leh!

This is why i give good advice. LOL. MWAHAHAHAHA.



Your eyes are always smiling even if your not. You always seem to have a good attitude and can easily get along with everyone. You enjoy being around a lot of people and having a great time. You like going outiside to enjoy the sun and are in many different activities.

only like the last 2 lines are true.

Gretchen Wieners


You know everything about everyone. That's why your hair is so big. You use your connections with higher ups to get your way... especially those connections associated with toaster strudel. You have an overwhelming desire to please and will do anything to be accepted. And despite what the others may think, you are clearly the most attractive mean girl.


Chace Crawford





* u have no idea how much i'm laughing right now*
i've got chace crawford's picture under my table! xP



Your mask is Beauty. You are beautiful inside and out. You aren't too aware of your beauty, although all the people around you are. There are times when you feel like you're wearing a mask, but no one around you can notice the difference with or without it. You may feel vulnerable at times, but you usually get through it. You sometimes wish you had someone to help you through those tough times, but you are always hopeful and don't give up easily. People who first meet you notice your beauty at a glance, but most people notice it when they get to really know you.

hurhur. no comments. LOL.

Very Good (75%)


Very good! You're not an expert on Men but you sure know them Well! A little more effort and you're bound to be an expert! Congratulations!


You are American.


You are highly competitive and highly independent, although you also have an easygoing and spontaneous nature. In order to hide and mitigate just how badly you want to win, you have developed a thick veneer of friendliness -- in order to lull your opponents into a false sense of security, yes, but also in order to actually tame your own natural blood lust, and most of the time it works. At the end of the day, you ARE both good-hearted and competitive! However, beecause you are so mobile and ever-changing -- always developing yourself -- your friendships tend to be in flux, and the people who are your oldest friends may or may not accompany you all the way through life. Probably not.

American yo.

Anw, i'm getting back to doing hwk. (:


'walk with me?

I'm actually gng to blog today! Abt something that is SOOOOOO not exciting. HAHAHA

Anw, would u spend like $969 on a camera? Coz my dad bought himself a camera for himself for father's day.

Thts the camera he got. I dun see anything much of cameras. Coz. Ya. Okay, this is really boring....

1. last beverage = water
2. last phone call = Jerome Lee
3. last text message = Iskandar
4. last song you listened to = Permanent - David Cook

6. dated someone twice = no.
7. been cheated on = uhhhh. idk.
8. kissed someone & regretted it = uhhh. nope?
9. lost someone special = Sort of.
10. been depressed = been very depressed i wanted to die (:
11. been drunk and threw up = God no.

14.sky blue

15. Made a new friend = yea
16. Fallen out of love = nope
17. Laughed until you cried = yes. all the time.
18. Met someone who changed you = ya, i tink so...
19. Found out who your true friends were = always knew hu they were.
20. Found out someone was talking about you = Not really.
21. Kissed anyone on your fb friend's list = nope.

22. How many people on your fb friends list do you know in real life = 90% of them i tink
24. Do you have any pets = used to. <3
25. Do you want to change your name = EELIN :D
26. What did you do for your last birthday = celebrated it with GR ( they surprised me )
27. What time did you wake up today = 11 + ?
28. What were you doing at midnight last night= Talking online as usual.
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for = nothing.
30. Last time you saw your Mother = 20min ago.
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life= alot.
32. What are you listening to right now = nth. tv.
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom = YES! jin zhuang!
34. What's getting on your nerves right now = I HAVENT DONE MY HWK.
35. Most visited webpage = facebook. blog.
37. Nicknames = EELIN, LIN, WOLF.
38. Relationship Status = single (why is this question asked? )
39. Zodiac sign = Aquarius :D
40. Male or female?= FEMALE.
41. Elementary? = holy grace kindergarden, tanjong katong pri
42. High School = Chung Cheng hish main school. (:
43. College = Hopefully where there are smart&hot guys. xD
44. Hair colour = dark brown
45. Long or short= long?
46. Height = 1**cm. HAHA
47. Do you have a crush on someone? nope. Thankfully
49. Piercings = 2.
50. Tattoos = nope. (: i wouldnt be able to take the pain.
51. Righty or lefty= right

52. First surgery = wrist. Fractured.
53. First piercing = ears
54. First best friend = Giovanni
55. First sport you joined = athletes?
56. First vacation = I cnt rmb. Aus? New Zealand?
58. First pair of trainers = Nike.

59. Eating = Biscuit.
60. Drinking = water
61. I'm about to = continue blogging.
62. Listening to = nth. tv.
63. Waiting on = nth.

64. Want kids? = yea. 5. ROFL
65. Get Married? = DUHH, if not hu's gonna support me. HAHAHAH
66. Career? = $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

67. Lips or eyes= eyes
68. Hugs or kisses= hugs
69. Shorter or taller= Taller
70. Older or Younger = Older
71. Romantic or spontaneous = BOTH
72. Nice stomach or nice arms = nice stomach
73. Sensitive or loud = sensitive
74. Hook-up or relationship = relationship ( no one said now )
75. Trouble maker or hesitant = trouble maker.

76. Kissed a stranger = idk. LOL.
77. Drank hard liquor = i think i try before?
78. Lost glasses/contacts = nope.
79. Sex on first date = wth. god no.
80. Broken someone's heart = IDONTKNOW, u tell me.
81. Had your own heart broken = Never. I wonder wht it feels like.
82. Been arrested = no.
83. Turned someone down = yea.
84. Cried when someone died = sort of.
85. Fallen for a friend? = uhhhh........

86. Yourself = not really, not at the moment.
87. Miracles = not unlesss it happens to me.
88. Love at first sight = yea
89. Heaven = ummmmmmmmm
90. Santa Claus = hur.
91. Kiss on the first date = yea
92. Angels = no.

93. Had more than one bf/gf? = no? But i do have more thn one GFs.
95. Did you sing today? = nope, not today.
96. Ever cheated on somebody? = No, i think thts really mean.
97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go, and why? = a yr and a half.
98. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be? = tht day.
99. Are you afraid of falling in love? = idk. I've never ever fallen in love (:
100. Posting this as 100 truths? = i think this is a ridiculous question.

and today. I read a book. yea, so heartwarming! The guy was soooo sweet. and not like roses and chocolates sweet. Like he's a really nice guy sweet. HAHA. nice book.


'walk with me?

Sunday, 21 June 2009

Sorry tht u have to live thru this boring post. BUt i'm boredddd.

Full Name: Chan Eelin

Single or Taken: Single :D:D

Sex: female maybe.

Birthday: 31st jan 1994.

Sign: Aquarius

Siblings: 3 Older siblings WHO LOVE ME :D:D

Eye colour: dark brown

Shoe size: 6

Height: *** censored.

Country born: The little red dot called singapore.

Where do you live: The small island on the map. Betcha cnt spot it!

Righty or lefty: Left thn changed to right.

Any pets: Dun remind me.
Have You Ever
Given anyone a bath: yea

Smoked: I wouldnt even wanna try it.

Bungee Jumped: D: sadly no.

Made yourself throw-up: I'm not anaroxic :D

Gone skinny dipping: Whts tht?

Put your tongue on a frozen pole: Hmmm...maybe... xD

Broken a bone: YEA.

Played truth or dare: DUHHH.

Been in a physical fight: Sorta?

Been in a police car: HAHAHA. No.

Come close to dying: Yea. Sort of. Pneumonia :D

Been in a sauna: yepyep

Been in a hot tub: Yepyep

Fallen asleep in school: Nope (:

Ran away: I'm not tht dumb :D

Broken someone's heart: How would i knw. U tell me. Okay, maybe.

Cried when someone died: Yea. For 3days and 3nights. it was HELL. I wanted to just die.

Flashed someone: uhhh. YES. AHAHHAAHHA. during training. AHAHAHAHA

Cried in school: Yea. 3 DAYS 3nights rmb?

Fell off your chair: Hmmmm. yea, wrestling with a duck drumstick. AHHAHAHA

Sat by the phone all night waiting for a call: Like i said, i'm not dumb, no one's worth it.

Saved MSN conversations: Uhhh. i tot auto save? LOL

Saved e-mails: No, i just dun dlt them. LOL

Done something you regret?: WHo hasnt?
What is
Stupidest thing you have ever done: idk? HAHA i consider myself smart. OMG, so BHB.

What's your room like: Cosy (:

Last thing you said: I love you. HAHAHA. no la. I said....IDK, i cnt rmb. HAHAHA

What shampoo do you use: SUNSILK!

Something that has happened to you this year: Got worst grades everrrrr. Sec3 sucks bigtime.

Worst thing that has happened to you this year: Like i said, worst grades EVER in historyy.
Have You Had
Chicken pox: yea. I've got the scars to prove it.

Sore Throat: ALL THE TIME

Broken nose: THANK GOD NO

Tonsels removed: EWWWW no.

Ice cream in the morning: I'm a fat kid, cnt blame me for loving ice cream

To give the heimlich: WHTS THT????
Would You
Eat a live hamster for $1,000,000: NOOOO. hamsters are too cute to be eaten.

Go to a Manson concert if you had a free ticket: Yea

Do you admire anyone?: Not really.

Who is the last person that called you: Uhhh. idk. LOL my mum?

Who was the last person you slow danced with: Uhhh, i dont do slow dance dude!

What makes you laugh the most: When i see hot guys. xD

What makes you smile: When i see hot guys :D
Do You
Do you like filling these out: ex-secretary. idk.

Do you wear contacts or glasses?: GLASSES!

Do you like yourself: not so much

Do you get along with your family: YES :D:D:D

Have piercings below the waist: Nope

Stolen anything over $30: No

Obsessive: Over hot guys, yes.

Compulsive: Idk. u tell me.

Want to have children?: when i'm like 30, maybe.

Like mornings?: Nope, i usually wake up later thn tht.

Enjoy seafood?: YEA. esp the fresh seafood in aussie!
Got any awards: Yea (:

What car do you wish to have: Ferrari / Rolls royce

Do you want to get married: Not applicable at the age of 15.

If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change: Taller? Smarter? Prettier? Less bad tempered? a lot more.

How many remote controls are in your house: mote thn 13 i suppose.

What do you dream about: NIce things? nice ppl? I DREAMT OF ALEX PETTYFER THT DAY. O.M.G right! AHHAHAA.

Last time you showered: Few hrs ago.

The last movie you saw at the theatres: Monsters VS Aliens. B.O.B rocks!

Scary or happy movies: HAPPY (:

Root beer or Dr. Pepper: ROOT BEER

Vanilla or chocolate: chocolate + Vanilla :D

Skiing or Boarding: Boarding!

Summer or winter: Winterr

Silver or Gold: Gold (:

Diamond or pearl: Diamond :D

Sunset or Sunrise: Sunrise (:

Sprite or 7up: Sprite!

Orange juice or apple juice: Orange :D with milk.

Cats or dogs: DOGS <333>

Coffee or tea: NONE.

Phone or in person: depending hu (:

Oldest, middle, youngest or only child: YOUNGEST and get pampered a lot :D

Indoor or Outdoor: OUTDOOR! I love the sun. sorta. HAHAHA
Have You...
Dated outside your race?: Nvr dated. HEHE

Given a hickey?: whts tht???

Dated your good friend/best friend?: Unless i'm lesbian, nope. HAHA

Sung in the shower?: Yea, i was in the choir before. AHAHAHAHAHHA

Spit in someone's drink?: ummmm. GROSS, no.

Dumped someone?: See first question. Nvr dated.

Opened your Christmas presents early?: I dun celebrate christmas. NO, i'm not weird.

Peed outside?: Yes?

Seen "The Goonies" more than 10 times?: Idk whts tht !!

Had more than five REAL bf/gf?: Refer agn to question1. AHHA, nvr dated.

Played a computer game for more than 5 hours?: more like played for 10hours. HAHAHA

Ran through the sprinklers naked?: When i was young? idk? i was a cute kid.

Ate food that fell on the floor?: Yea. AHAHHA

Went outside naked?: when i was like 2?

Made out with your best friends bf/gf?: GOD NO. Wouldnt do tht even he was some freaking irresistable model.

Been on stage?: YEA :D:D:D:D

Made someone cry?: Duhh. ==

Been in a parade?: Ummm. no?

Been in a school play?: Yea, a few. I WAS FRM DRAMA CLUB BEFORE.

Drank beer?: Like duhhhh. MY DAD LET ME DRINK DE. AHHAAHHAHA

Gotten detention?: Yea, for not wearing my tie ==

Been on a plane?: DUH.more thn u cn count.

Been on a cruise?: Nope.

Broken into a house?: HUH. See i said i'm not dumb rmb?

Gotten a tattoo?: HAHA. YEA.

Gotten piercings?: YEP (: I WANNA GET ONE MORE. MWAHAHAHA.

Cried so hard you threw up?: uhhhhhh. no. HAHAHA. maybe when i was one? HAHA

Gotten into a shouting match?: YES! HAHAA its fun =x

Been skinny dipping?: wht this agn?

Spun yourself in circles to get dizzy on purpose?: Unless someone doesnt have a childhood * cough * Joey ong * cough* thn u probably had. And i'm applicable. HAHA

Laughed so hard it hurt?: All the time :D

Tripped on your own feet?: I'm not tht clumsy! but yea. HAHAHA

Cried yourself to sleep?: Uhhhhhh...................................................................

Cried in public?: Hu hasnt? HAHAHAAHHA. I bet when u were 3 u did it because u threw a tantrum.

Thrown up in public?: gross, no.

Lied to your parents?: Its been scientifically proven a normal person lies at least 10 times a day :P plus, i'm like the most honest person ever *biggrin*

Skipped class?: hmmmmm............. Yes? tournaments?

Slept in class?: Nope :D How cn u slp listening to the teachers irritating voice?


'walk with me?


The Name's EELIN
Sweet Sixteen this yr.
31stJan is the Date
Netball is the Love
I'm mildly self-obsessed, in a NON cam whore way.
I'm Smart, intelligent, pretty, beautiful, fabulous, amazing and every other good quality in the world. not. HAHA
When i'm sad i Cry, when i'm happy, I laugh. Get use to it
I Dance, I Jump, I Laugh, I Scream. (:


Because they're loved, and deserve the credit

Jia Qi.JoeyOng.Chrystal

OREO, the best thing that ever happened to me.♥


Do Tag :D


♥Eelin's Journal Blog :D

JUN YIN{snr}


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